Full day school memiliki keunggulan dan kelemahan tersendiri dalam penerapannya. Akan tetapi bagi anak tunagrahita penerapan full day school perlu untuk dikaji ulang mengingat karakteristik anak tunagrahita yang berbeda dengan anak normal. sehingga penting dilakukannya penelitian ini.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan implementasi full day school dalam pembelajaran bagi peserta didik tunagrahita di SLB C Dharma Wanita Sidoarjo. Dengan fokus penelitian yang meliputi pelaksanaan, dampak, hambatan, dan solusi. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian deskriptif, dengan pendekatan kualitatif, dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi.
Hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa: 1. Pelaksanaan full day school telah terlaksana dengan cukup baik, meskipun belum sepenuhnya sesuai dengan UU yang dikeluarkan Permendikbud tentang hari sekolah. 2. dampak pendukung full day school bagi peserta didik tunagrahita yaitu meningkatkan sosialisasi antar peserta didik, pembiasaan peserta didik tunagrahita untuk beraktifitas, bakat dan minat dapat tersalurkan, mengasah dan meningkatkan keterampilan peserta didik. Dampak yang kurang mendukung pelaksanaan full day school bagi peserta didik tunagrahita yaitu, peserta didik tunagrahita merasa jenuh, bosan, dan mudah gelisah di sekolah, peserta didik tunagrahita juga merasa kelelahan karena banyak aktivitas di sekolah. 3. Hambatan pelakasanaan full day school berasal dari kondisi peserta didik, dukungan orang tua, sarana dan prasarana, dan kurangnya sumber belajar buku paket. 4. Solusi mengatasi hambatan yaitu: memaksimalkan penggunaan media pembelajaran, metode dan strategi pembelajaran yang tepat, melakukan mediasi dan kerjasama dengan orang tua peserta didik, mengkondisikan siswa agar tetap fokus pada kegiatan pembelajaran, mencetak dan mencari sumber belajar lain.
Kata kunci : full day school, tunagrahita
Full day school had its own superior and weakness in the application. But, for mentally retardation children the application of full day school required to be re-observed in case the characteristics of mentally retardation children were different with the normal children. So, it was important to do this research.
This research had purpose to describe the implementation of full day school in learning for mentally retardation learners in SLB C Dharma Wanita Sidoarjo by focusing the research as the following implementation, impact, hindrance, and solution. This research used descriptive kind with qualitative approach and the methods were interview, observation, and documentation.
The research results could be concluded that: 1. The implementation of full day school had been implemented good enough although it was not wholly suitable with the regulations released by Permendikbud about the school day, 2. The impacts of full day school supporting for mentally retardation learners were to enhance socialization among the learners, the mentally retardation learners were accustomed to have activities, interest and talent could be channeled, it could sharpen and enhance the learner’s skill. The less supporting impact to the implementation of full day school for mentally retardation learners was that the mentally retardation learners felt surfeit, bored, and easy to be worried in the school, the mentally retardation learners also felt tired because of many activities in the school, 3. The hindrance of full day school implementation derived from the learners’ condition, parents’ support, medium and infrastructure, and the lack of learning source i.e. manual book, and 4. The solutions to solve the hindrance were to maximize the usage of learning media, method, and exact learning strategy, to do mediation and cooperation with the learner’s parents, to condition the students so that they kept focus to the learning activities, to print and search the other learning source.
Keywords: Full day school, mentally retardation