Magical Realism in Andrea Cremer and David Levithan's Invisibility Novel
Invisibility karya Andrea Cremer dan David Levithan adalah novel kontemporer dengan sentuhan magical realism. Stephen dan Elizabeth, para karakter utama, memberikan sentuhan warna baru pada jalan cerita di novel ini. Studi ini berfokus pada bagaimana magical realism disajikan dalam novel melalui lima karakteristiknya: the irreducible element, the phenomenal world, unsettling doubts, merging realms, dan disruptions of time, space, and identity. Menerapkan konsep dari Wendy B. Faris, penelitian ini meneliti hal-hal abnormal yang terjadi dalam kehidupan manusia normal untuk memilahnya menjadi karakteristik magical realism di atas. Metode penelitian kualitatif yang diterapkan membuktikan bahwa di dalam novel Invisibility, ada peristiwa-peristiwa luar biasa untuk setiap elemen magical realism, seperti hilangnya Stephen secara tiba-tiba ketika Elizabeth berkedip sebagai the irreducible element; bagaimana Stephen menikmati hidupnya di kota sebebas New York walaupun sosoknya tak kasat mata sebagai elemen the phenomenal world; keraguan Elizabeth mengenai wujud solid Stephen sebagai elemen unsettling doubts; kantor milik orang sakti yang berkedok sebagai toko komik biasa sebagai elemen merging realms; dan kemampuan Elizabeth untuk masuk ke sisi lain ruang alam semesta sebagai elemen disruptions of space.
Kata kunci: kasat mata; magical realism; abnormal; gangguan waktu; identitas
Andrea Cremer and David Levithan’s Invisibility is a contemporary novel with a twist of magical realism. Stephen and Elizabeth, the main characters, had made the story in the novel different colors. The study focused on how magical realism was presented in the novel through its five characteristics: irreducible element, the phenomenal world, unsettling doubts, merging realms, and disruptions of time, space, and identity. Applying Wendy B. Faris perspective, this study examined extraordinary things that happened within the ordinary to sort them into said characteristics of magical realism. The qualitative research method that’s applied proved that in Cremer and Levithan’s Invisibility existed extraordinary events for each magical realism element, such as Stephen’s abrupt disappearance when Elizabeth blinks as the irreducible element; Stephen’s acceptance of being invisible and living in an accessible place like New York as the phenomenal world; Elizabeth’s doubts concerning Stephen’s form as the unsettling doubt; an ordinary-looking comic store being a magical office in disguise as the merging realm; and Elizabeth’s ability to enter into a different side of the regular universe as the disruption of space.
Keywords: invisibility; magical realism; extraordinary; time disruptions; identity