Di Indonesia, kasus pelecehan seksual dan kekerasan di ruang publik khususnya terhadap perempuan menempati posisi pertama terbesar tahun 2020. Melansir dari Catatan Tahunan 2021 Komisi Perlindungan Perempuan, sepanjang tahun 2020 terdapat 56% atau 962 kasus adalah kekerasan atau pelecehan seksual di ranah publik dari total 1.731 kasus yang terlapor. Padahal baik laki-laki maupun perempuan memiliki kebebasan atas keberadaanya tanpa harus khawatir mengenai resiko pengalaman buruk yang akan mereka alami. L'oreal Paris Indonesia menyusun kampanye sosial bertajuk “Stand Up: Against Street Harassment” dalam membantu memberikan edukasi serta pelatihan dalam isu pelecehan seksual. L'oreal Paris juga berkolaborasi dengan KOMNAS Perempuan dan Hollaback!, sebuah komunitas Komunitas yang bergerak untuk menciptakan gerakan global bagi para pembela korban di ranah publik. Tujuan penelitian ialah mengetahui bagaimana Persepsi Khalayak Terhadap Pesan Kampanye “Stand Up Against Street Harassment” yang digerakkan oleh Brand L’oreal Paris Indonesia. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan adalah kuantitatif deskriptif, dimana peneliti mengumpulkan data memakai kuesioner ke 400 responden yang merupakan partisipan dari pelatihan digital kampanye Stand Up Againts Street Harrasement”. Hasil data penelitian berdasarkan indikator 7C pada variabel persepsi khalayak terhadap pesan kampanye “Stand Up Against Street Harassment” L’oreal menjabarkan data sebesar 50% responden memiliki persepsi yang cukup baik terhadap pesan yang dibawa dan 49,5% responden lainnya memiliki persepsi yang sangat baik mengenai kampanye tersebut. Hal ini berarti bahwa tujuh C yakni kredibilitas komunikator (credibility), ), isi content (content), konteks kampanye (context), kejelasan pesan (clarity), berkelanjutan (continuity), saluran kampanye (channel), kemampuan penerima pesan (capability of audience) yang digunakan dalam pesan kampanye “Stand Up Against Street Harassment” sudah tepat secara keseluruhan dalam pengimplementasiannya.
In Indonesia, cases of sexual harassment and violence in the public sphere, especially against women, occupy the first largest position in 2020. According from the 2021 Annual Records of the Women's Protection Commission, throughout 2020 there were 56% or 962 cases of sexual violence or harassment in the public sphere out of a total of 1,731 reported cases. Whereas both men and women have the freedom to exist without having to worry about the risk of bad experiences they will experience. L'oreal Paris Indonesia organized a social campaign entitled “Stand Up: Against Street Harassment” to help provide education and training on sexual harassment issues and create a global movement for victims' advocates in the public sphere in collaboration with the National Commission on Violence Against Women and the Hollaback Community. ! Jakarta. The purpose of this study was to find out how the audience's perception of the campaign message "Stand Up Against Street Harassment" L'oreal Paris Indonesia. The research method used is descriptive quantitative, where researchers collect data using a questionnaire to 400 respondents who are participants in the digital training of the Stand Up Against Street Harassment campaign. The results of research data based on the 7C indicator on the variable of audience perception of the L'oreal "Stand Up Against Street Harassment" campaign message showed that 50% of respondents had a good perception of the message carried and 49.5% of other respondents had a very good perception of the campaign. the. This means that the seven C's are the credibility of the communicator (credibility), campaign context (context), content (content), message clarity (clarity), continuity (continuity), campaign channel (channel), the ability of the recipient of the message (capability of the audience). used in the campaign message “Stand Up Against Street Harassment” is correct in its overall implementation.