The problem of Futsal Players at SMAN 16 Surabaya has become a basic note
for the coach there. That many players have difficulty passing opponents, easy
to lose the ball, difficult to change direction and also difficult to
accelerate when one on one. So it is not uncommon to lose competing when
meeting opposing teams who have above average agility. Without agility it will
be difficult to move, dribble, change direction, accelerate and dodge during
physical contact. This weakness can occur due to the lack of agility training
on the futsal players of SMAN 16 Surabaya.
Based on the explanation above, the researcher took the problem of the
article "The Effect of Ladder Drill In Out Shuffle Training on the Agility
of Futsal Players at Sman 16 Surabaya". This study refers to the exercise
behavior of extracurricular futsal students at SMAN 16 Surabaya. The purpose of
this study was made to determine the effect of training using ladder drills to train
the agility of futsal players at SMAN 16 Surabaya.
This research is an experimental research with the Quasi Experiment Design
method with the approach of "(One and control pretest and post-test
design" to see the effect of Ladder Drill In Out Shuffle Exercise on the
Agility of Futsal Sman 16 Surabaya players. In this study, there were a total
sample of 24 players. futsal and divided into 2 groups, 1 using the Ladder
Drill In Out Shuffle exercise, 2 control groups, where the selection of the
group used Ordinal pairing. The pretest and post-test used the Illinois test.
The results showed that there was a significant effect of Ladder Drill In Out
Shuffle Exercise. on the agility of the futsal players at SMAN 16 Surabaya by
40%. Ladder drill training has an effect but not significant.
Keywords: Ladder Drill In Out Shuffle, Agility,
Futsal Player, SMAN 16.