Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan karakteristik tokoh protagonist dan antagonis dalam novel anak seri “The Story Explorer” karya anak usia 12 tahun terbitan Tiga Ananda. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif analisis pada lima novel anak usia 12 tahun berjudul Penyelamatan Negeri Peri karya Fida Zalfa, Petualangan Peri Gelembung karya Fida Zalfa, Rahasia Ramuan Ajaib karya Anugrah Rawiyah Salma, Misteri Prasasti Urip Abadi karya Arina Futihatir Rizqoh, dan Menyelamatkan Negeri Alen karya Nilna Almuna.
Hasil penelitian ini yakni (1)karakteristik tokoh protagonist dalam novel karya anak usia 12 tahun, (2) karakteristik tokoh antagonis dalam novel karya anak usia 12 tahun. Kedua hasil penelitian tersebut menunjukkan adanya perbedaan karakteristik tokoh yang dianalisis menggunakan dimensi karakteristik watak tokoh , yang meliputi dimensi fisiologis, dimensi psikologis dan dimensi sosiologis. Karakteristik tokoh protagonist secara fisiologis berupa tokoh peri, tokoh pewayangan dan anak perempuan. Berdasarkan dimensi psikologis karakteristik tokoh berupa berani, optimis, cerdik, dan bijaksana. Berdasarkan dimensi sosiologis tokoh yaitu gaya hidup mewah tokoh dan kelas sosial tinggi. Karakteristik tokoh antagonis berdasarkan dimensi fisiologis berupa tokoh monster, penyihir, peri jahat dan tokoh pewayangan. Berdasarkan dimensi psikologis berupa sombong, tamak, licin dan kejam. Sedangkan berdasarjan dimensi sosiologis karakteristik tokoh antagonis berupa kelas sosial tinggi tokoh
This study aims to describe the characteristics of the protagonist and antagonist in the children's novel series "The Story Explorer" by 12-year-old child published by Tiga Ananda. This research is a qualitative study with a descriptive analysis method on five novels of 12-year-olds entitled Flood Relief by Fida Zalfa, Fida Zalfa's Fairy Bubble Adventure, Anugrah Rawiyah Salma's Secret Magic Remedy, Mystery of the Erip Eternal Inscription by Arina Futihatir Rizqoh, and Saving Negeri Alen by Nilna Almuna.
The results of this study are (1) the characteristics of the protagonist in a novel by a 12-year-old child, (2) the characteristics of an antagonist in a novel by a 12-year-old child. The two results of the study showed differences in the characteristics of the characters analyzed using the character characteristics of the characters, which included physiological dimensions, psychological dimensions and sociological dimensions. Characteristics of the protagonist physiologically in the form of elf figures, puppet figures and girls. Based on the psychological dimensions of the character's character is brave, optimistic, clever, and wise. Based on the sociological dimensions of figures, namely the luxurious lifestyle of prominent figures and social classes. Characteristics of antagonists based on physiological dimensions in the form of monsters, witches, evil fairies and puppet figures. Based on the psychological dimension of being arrogant, greedy, slippery and cruel. Whereas based on the sociological dimension the characteristics of the antagonist are in the form of high social figures