Diah Anggraeny. 2019. Pengembangan Panduan Bina Gerak untuk Meningkatkan Koordinasi Motorik Anak Cerebral Palsy Tipe Spastik Diplegia. Tesis Program Studi Pendidikan Luar Biasa, Program Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Surabaya Pembimbing: (1) Dr. Ari Wahyudi, M.Si dan (2) Dr. Budiyanto, M.Pd.
Kata Kunci : Panduan Bina Gerak, Koordinasi Motorik, Cerebral Palsy, Spastik Diplegia
Hasil studi pendahuluan di YPAC Surakarta peserta didik cerebral palsy tipe spastik diplegia mendapatkan satu jenis pendekatan neuro developmental treatment (NDT) atau Bobath dalam setiap sesi layanan bina gerak untuk membantu perkembangan anak. Adapun hasil dari penggunaan satu program saja masih belum optimal, karena setiap program mencakup langkah-langkah yang berbeda.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan panduan bina gerak untuk meningkatkan koordinasi motorik peserta didik cerebral palsy tipe spastik diplegia di YPAC Surakarta. Pengembangan panduan di penelitian ini menerapkan model pengembangan 4-D dari Thiagarajan yaitu define, design, develop, adapun disseminate tidak diterapkan. Lebih lanjut, subjek penelitian meliputi peserta didik cerebral palsy tipe spastik diplegia. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan berupa angket validasi ahli, angket orang tua, angket guru, dan lembar observasi. Data pada uji coba skala kecil dianalisis menggunakan uji gain score. Kelayakan produk berdasarkan hasil uji validasi ahli yang terdiri dari dua ahli materi yang menunjukan nilai presentase kelayakan sebesar 81 % dan 89 % dan ahli desain pembelajaran yang menunjukan nilai presentase kelayakan 83 %. Adapun berdasarkan uji gain score pada uji coba perorangan menunjukan < g > ≥ 0,7 yang berarti bahwa hasil belajar peserta didik cerebral palsy tipe spastik diplegia berdasarkan kriteria gain score berada pada kriteria sedang, dan kepraktisan produk hasil respon guru menunjukkan skor 90 %. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan buku panduan bina gerak untuk meningkatkan koordinasi motorik peserta didik cerebral palsy tipe spastik diplegia layak digunakan sebagai bahan pembelajaran bagi peserta didik cerebral palsy tipe spastik diplegia dengan kategori baik.
Diah Anggraeny. 2019. The Development of the Guidelines for Motion Development to Improve Motoric Coordination of Cerebral Palsy Children in the types of Diplegia Spastic. Thesis of Special Education, Magister Program Universitas Negeri Surabaya. Advisor (1) Dr. Ari Wahyudi, M.Si dan (2) Dr. Budiyanto, M.Pd.
Keywords: Guidelines for Motion Development, Motoric Coordination, Cerebral Palsy, Diplegia Spastic
The results of a preliminary study at YPAC Surakarta in spastic diplegia type cerebral palsy students get one type of neuro developmental treatment (NDT) approach or Bobath in each session of developmental care to help develop children. The results of using one program are still not optimal, because each program includes different steps.
The purpose of this development is developing motion guidance to improve motoric coordination of cerebral palsy students types of spastic diplegia at YPAC Surakarta. The development of guidelines in this study applies the 4-D development model of Thiagarajan, namely define, design, develop, while disseminate is not implemented. Furthermore, the number of research subjects included cerebral palsy’s student in the type of diplegia spastic. The research instruments used were expert validation questionnaires, parental questionnaires, teacher questionnaires, and observation sheets. The data on small scale trials were analyzed using the gain score test. The feasibility of the product is based on the results of the expert validation test which consists of two material experts that shows a feasibility percentage value of 81% and 89% and experts on learning design who shows a feasibility percentage value of 83%. As for the gain score test on individual trials showed <g> ≥ 0.7 which means that the learning outcomes of cerebral palsy’s student in the type of diplegia spastic based on the gain score criteria are in the moderate criteria, and the practicality of the product results of the teacher's response shows a score of 90%. Thus it can be concluded that the development of the guidelines for motion development to improve motoric coordination of cerebral palsy’s student in the type of diplegia spastic is worthy of being used as learning material for cerebral palsy’s student in the type of diplegia spastic is on the good category.