The Influence of the Inquiry Learning Learning Model Assisted by Mobile
Phones on the Literacy Index for Class X History Learning at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1
Nama : Achmad Ardiansyah
NIM : 1704028403 8
Program Studi : S1 Pendidikan Sejarah
Fakultas : Ilmu Sosial dan
Nama Lembaga : Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Nama Pembimbing : Riyadi, S.Pd., M.A.
Technological advances affect our daily
lives and relationships, from accessing shared information and interacting with
public services to working from home, from collaborating with colleagues to
communicating with friends, and from distance learning to quick access to
information. Based on interviews, data was obtained that the literacy level of
class X students at MAN 1 Sidoarjo was still low in terms of interviews.
Therefore, treatment is needed to stimulate the literacy index in history
subjects, one of which is by applying the problem inquiry learning model. This research aims to determine the influence
and magnitude of the inquiry learning model on students' literacy index in
history learning for class X IPS 5 at MAN 1 Sidoarjo. This research was carried
out in the even semester of 2023/2024. This research is quantitative research
using a one-shot case study type experimental method. The sample used was X IPS
5 using probability sampling techniques. The data collection technique uses the
observation method, giving written tests to measure students' literacy skills
and students' responses to the application of the inquiry learning model. The
data analysis technique uses a simple linear regression test. The research
results are as follows: (1). The implementation of learning using the mobile
phone-assisted inquiry learning model is 90% in the very good category. (2) The
results of the literacy index ability test obtained an average percentage of
75% in the good category. (3) Student responses to the inquiry learning model
showed 76% in the good category. Based on the results of simple linear
regression analysis, it is known that the sig value of <00.0 is smaller than
the sig level of 0.05 and comparing the value of Tcount>Ttable with the value
of 6,641>2,048, which means that an influence can be found between the two
variables, so Ha is accepted and H0 is rejected. Ha is accepted with a product
moment correlation coefficient of 0.782 which is classified as strong with a
significance level of <.001, so the relationship between the two variables
is strong. In the summary model, R Square shows 0.612, this shows that variable
In this research, students' learning motivation in learning history is owned by
each individual.
Keywords: Problem Based
Learning, Critical Thinking Ability, History Learning