The study of literary psychology in this study is used to examine the object of love according to Erich Fromm's theory. According to Erich Fromm, the object of love is divided into five, namely the object of self-love, erotic love, mother's love, God's love, and brotherly love. The object of self-love consists of attention, respect, responsibility, and knowledge. The object of God's love consists of patriarchy and matriarchy. The object of brotherly love consists of responsibility, care, respect, knowledge, desire to advance one's life. The object of maternal love involves the relationship between mother and child. The object of erotic love contains an element of willingness, which involves the relationship between lovers. The method used in this study is a qualitative research method because it is more artistic (less patterned) and is also called an interpretive method because the research data is more related to the interpretation of the data found in the field. While the technique used is a psychological interpretation technique, or what is commonly referred to as hermeneutics, which means interpreting literary works in depth. The data source that will be used in this research is the Novel Then & Now by Arleen Amidjaja. This novel consists of two parts, namely then (Then) and now (Now). The result of this analysis is the discovery of the object of self-love which contains elements of attention, respect, knowledge, and responsibility; the object of erotic love which contains an element of willingness; object of mother's love; object of God's love which contains elements of matriarchy and religious patriarchy; the object of brotherly love which contains elements of attention, respect, responsibility, knowledge, and the desire to advance one's life
Keywords: Erich Fromm's psychology of love,
qualitative methods, psychological interpretation techniques