Kelayakan Lembar Penugasan Terstruktur pada Materi Laju Reaksi untuk Melatihkan Literasi Sains
The Eligibility of Structural Assignment Sheet on the Reaction Rate Materials to Train Scientific Literacy
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan Lembar Penugasan Terstruktur (LPT) pada pembelajaran kimia materi laju reaksi yang layak untuk melatihkan Literasi Sains (LS). Perangkat pembelajaran (learning device) ini diakronimkan dengan LPTLS-Laju Reaksi. Kriteria kelayakan meliputi validitas (konstruk dan isi), kepraktisan, dan efektivitas. Pengembangan LPTLS-Laju Reaksi menggunakan metode Research and Development (R&D) dengan tahapan: (1) potensi dan masalah; (2) pengumpulan data; (3) desain produk; (4) validasi desain; (5) revisi desain; (6) ujicoba produk; (7) revisi produk; (8) ujicoba pemakaian; (9) revisi produk; dan (10) produksi masal. Penelitian ini dilakukan hanya sampai langkah ketujuh yaitu revisi produk pasca uji coba. Draft LPTLS-Laju reaksi yang telah dirancang dan kembangkan ditelaah dan selanjutnya diuji validitasnya melalui expert judgement melibatkan tiga ahli di bidang pendidikan kimia. LPTLS-Laju Reaksi yang telah dinyatakan valid selanjutnya diuji-coba kepada peserta didik pengguna untuk dievaluasi kepraktisan dan efektivitasnya. Kriteria kepraktisan perangkat pembelajaran ini dievaluasi berdasar data respon yang diberikan peserta didik pengguna. Kriteria efektivitas LPTLS-Laju Reaksi didasarkan kepada skor tes peserta didik dalam literasi sains sesudah uji-coba perangkat (One-Shot Case Study). Seluruh data dianalisis secara deskriptif. LPTLS-Laju reaksi dinyatakan memenuhi kriteria kevalidan jika nilai Mo ≥ 4 untuk tiap soal dan R ≥ 75%. LPTLS-Laju reaksi dinyatakan memenuhi kriteria kepraktisan jika nilai Mo ≥ 3 untuk tiap soal dan R ≥ 75%. LPTLS-Laju reaksi dinyatakan memenuhi kriteria efektivitas jika persentase peserta didik yang lulus ≥ 51%. Hasil penelitian: (1) LPTLS-Laju Reaksi yang dikembangkan dinyatakan telah memenuhi syarat kelayakan ditinjau dari kriteria validitas baik konstruksi maupun isi, (2) LPTLS-Laju Reaksi yang dikembangkan dinyatakan telah memenuhi syarat kelayakan ditinjau dari kriteria kepraktisan, dan (3) LPTLS-Laju Reaksi yang dikembangkan dinyatakan telah memenuhi syarat kelayakan ditinjau dari kriteria efektivitas. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa LPTLS-Laju reaksi yang dikembangkan dinyatakan layak digunakan untuk literasi sains pada peserta didik SMA kelas XI.
Kata kunci: Laju Reaksi; Lembar Penugasan Terstruktur; Literasi Sains; One-Shot Case Study; Penilaian Acuan Norma
The purpose of this research was to produce a Structured Assignment Sheet (SAS) on chemistry learning material reaction rates that are feasible for practicing Scientific Literacy (SL). The acronym of this learning device is SASSL-Reaction Rate. The eligibility criteria include validity (construct and content), practicality, and effectiveness. The development of the SASSL-Reaction Rate uses the Research and Development (R&D) method with the following stages: (1) potential and problems; (2) data collection; (3) product design; (4) design validation; (5) design revision; (6) product testing; (7) product revision; (8) trial use; (9) product revision; and (10) mass production. This research was conducted only up to the seventh step, namely the revision of the post-trial product. The Draft SASSL-Reaction Rate that have been designed and developed are reviewed and then tested for validity through expert judgment involving three experts in the field of chemistry education. SASSL-Reaction Rate that have been declared valid are then tested on user students to evaluate their practicality and effectiveness. The criteria for the practicality of this learning device were evaluated based on the response data provided by user students. The effectiveness criteria of SASSL-Reaction Rate are based on students's test scores in scientific literacy after testing the device (One-Shot Case Study). All data were analyzed descriptively. SASSL-Reaction Rate is declared to meet the validity criteria if the value of Mo ≥ 4 for each question and R ≥ 75%. SASSL-Reaction Rate is declared to meet the criteria for practicality if the value of Mo ≥ 3 for each question and R ≥ 75%. SASSL-Reaction Rate is declared to meet the effectiveness criteria if the percentage of students who pass is ≥ 51%. The results of the research: (1) SASSL-Reaction Rate developed was declared to have meet the eligibility requirements in terms of both construct and content validity criteria, (2) SASSL-Reaction Rate developed was declared to have meet the eligibility requirements in terms of practicality criteria, and (3) SASSL-The reaction rate developed is declared to have met the eligibility requirements in terms of the effectiveness criteria. Thus it can be concluded that the SASSL-Reaction Rate developed is declared feasible to be used to teach scientific literacy to XI grade senior high school students.
Keywords: Reaction Rate; Structured Assignment Sheet; Scientific Literacy; One-Shot Case Study; Norms Reference Assessment