Kerupuk mantis kelor adalah kerupuk yang terbuat dari udang mantis dan daun kelor. Rekayasa ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: tingkat kesukaan panelis terhadap hasil jadi kerupuk mantis kelor, meliputi 1) uji organoleptik. 2) Kandungan zat gizi kerupuk mantis Kelor per 100 gram (sudah digoreng). 3) harga jual Kerupuk Udang Mantis Kelor per bungkus atau 100 gram (sudah digoreng).
Metode rekayasa yang digunakan dalam pembuatan kerupuk mantis kelor adalah melalui uji coba. Pelaksanaan rekayasa dilakukan beberapa kali uji coba sampai memenuhi hasil kriteria kerupuk sesuai standar yang ada, meliputi , bentuk, warna, aroma , rasa dan kerenyahan.
Tingkat kesukaan hasil jadi kerupuk mantis kelor dari 30 penelis pada kriteria bentuk 60% menyatakan suka, warna 57%menyatakan suka, aroma 57% menyatakan suka, kerenyahan 86%menyatakan suka, rasa 77% menyatakan suka. Kandungan zat gizi “Kerupuk Mantis Kelor “ melalui uji lab per 100 gram dalam keadaan matang (digoreng) nilai gizi nya adalah energi 371 kkal, karbohidrat 134,36 g, kalsium 621,1 mg, lemak 2,6 g, protein 34,59 g, fosfor 393 mg, Besi 97.7 mg dan Vit. A 11.369 IU.Dan hasil perhitungan DKBM “Kerupuk Mantis Kelor” dalam keadaan mentah per 100 gram memiliki kandungan energi 371 kkal, karbohidrat 134,36 g, kalsium 621,1 mg, lemak 2,6 g, protein 34,59 g, fosfor 393 mg, Besi 97.7 mg dan Vit. A 11.369 IU. Harga jual “Kerupuk Mantis Kelor” matang (digoreng) per 100 gram Rp. 4.000,00.
Kata Kunci: Rekayasa, Kerupuk, Udang Mantis, Daun Kelor.
Moringa mantis crackers are crackers made from mantis shrimp and Moringa leaves. This engineering aims to find out: the level of preference of panelists on the results of moringa mantis crackers, including 1) organoleptic test. 2) Nutrient content of mantis crackers Moringa per 100 grams (already fried). 3) selling price of Mantis Kelor Shrimp Crackers per pack or 100 grams (already fried).
The engineering method used in making Moringa mantis crackers is through trials. The engineering is carried out several trials until it meets the results of the cracker criteria according to existing standards, including, shape, color, aroma, taste and crispness.
The level of yield preference became Moringa mantis crackers from the 30 researchers in the form criteria of 60% stating that they liked, 57% said they liked, 57% said they liked, 86% said they liked it, 77% said they liked it. The content of the nutrient "Mantis Kelor Crackers" through lab tests per 100 grams in a state of ripe (fried) its nutritional value is energy 371 kcal, carbohydrates 134.36 g, calcium 621.1 mg, fat 2.6 g, protein 34.59 g, 393 mg phosphorus, 97.7 mg iron and Vit. A 11,369 IU. And the calculation result of DKBM "Mantis Kelor Crackers" in raw condition per 100 grams has an energy content of 371 kcal, carbohydrate 134.36 g, calcium 621.1 mg, fat 2.6 g, protein 34.59 g, phosphorus 393 mg, Iron 97.7 mg and Vit. A 11,369 IU. The selling price of "Mantis Kelor Crackers" is cooked (fried) per 100 grams Rp. 4,000.00.
Keywords: Engineering, Crackers, Mantis Shrimp, Kelor Leaves.