Design Finishing merupakan teknik penyelesaian akhir dari pembuatan design yang bertujuan untuk membuat tampilan akhir dari design menjadi lebih baik dari sebelumnya. Design Finishing dapat dilakukan secara digital menggunakan Smudge tool pada computer dengan bantuan software berbasis bitmap ‘Adobe Photoshop’. Smudge tool merupakan retouch tool pada Adobe Photoshop yang dapat digunakan untuk menciptakan efek rambut atau helai-helai bulu seperti efek finger-painting dengan cara mengatur persentase strength level dari Smudge tool. Strength Level berfungsi untuk mengatur intensitas gosokan Smudge tool yang digunakan dan memiliki rentang nilai 0-100%.
Metode penelitian ini adalah komparatif. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui (1) pengaruh persentase strength level Smudge tool 25%, 50%, dan 75% terhadap design finishing busana pesta gala dan (2) design finishing busana pesta gala berbahan fur terbaik ditinjau dari aspek irama gosokan Smudge tool, gradasi warna fur pada design, dan kesesuaian penerapan fur pada design.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada aspek irama gosokan Smudge tool, gradasi warna fur pada design, dan kesesuaian penerapan fur pada design sama-sama mendapatkan nilai probabilitas (Asymp.Sig.) = 0.000 (0.000 < 0.05), dan pada design finishing busana pesta gala berbahan fur dengan persentase strength level Smudge tool 25%, 50%, dan 75% mendapatkan rata-rata nilai mean masing-masing 1,144; 2,167; dan 3,903. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada pengaruh persentase strength level Smudge tool 25%, 50%, dan 75% terhadap design finishing busana pesta gala berbahan fur ditinjau dari aspek irama gosokan Smudge tool, gradasi warna fur pada design, dan kesesuaian penerapan fur pada design dan design finishing busana pesta gala berbahan fur terbaik adalah dengan Strength level 75%.
Kata Kunci : Design Finishing, Smudge Tool, Strength Level, Adobe Photoshop.
Design finishing is the final step of a design making which aims to make the final appearance of the design looks better than before. Design finishing can be done digitally using Smudge tool on computer with the help of bitmap-based software ‘Adobe Photoshop’. Smudge tool is a retouch tool in Adobe Photoshop whih can be used to create effect for hair and fur strands much like finger-painting by adjusting the strength level percentage of Smudge tool. The Strength level works for adjusting the smear intensity of Smudge tool and has it’s range value between 0-100%.
This research method used is comparative. The purpose of this research is to determine (1) the effect of Smudge tool’s strength level percentage of 25%, 50%, and 75% on the finished fur-made gala evening wear design and (2) which is the best finished fur-made gala evening wear design in accordance with aspects of the Smudge tool’s smears movement, the fur’s color gradation on the design, and the suitability of fur representation on the design.
The result of this research shows that on the aspects of the of the Smudge tool’s smears movement, the fur’s color gradation on the design, and the suitability of fur representation on the design are all earned the probability value (Asymp.Sig.) = 0.000 (0.000 < 0.05) in each, and on the finished fur-made gala evening wear design with Smudge tool’s strength level percentage of 25%, 50%, and 75% each of them earns average mean value 1.144; 2.167; and 3.903. Thus, it can be concluded that there is an effect of the Smudge tool’s strength level percentage of 25%, 50%, and 75% on the finished fur-made gala evening wear design in accordance with aspects of the Smudge tool’s smears movement, the fur’s color gradation on the design, and the suitability of fur representation on the design, and the best finished fur-made gala evening wear design goes to the strength level 75%.
Keywords: Design Finishing, Smudge tool, Strength Level, Adobe Photoshop.