study aims to (1) analyze online learning strategies (2) find online learning
obstacles and (3) find support factors in the implementation of online learning
during the covid-19 pandemic for mild mentally retarded students at SMP N 6
Tuban. Descriptive qualitative research using a case study approach. Data
collection techniques used include: interviews, observations and archival
recordings. The process observed included the activities of mild mentally
retarded students through online learning for social studies, religion, PPKN
subjects with class teachers, and parents at inclusive schools at SMP Negeri 6
Tuban. The findings of online learning strategies for children with mild mental
retardation in inclusive schools at SMP Negeri 6 Tuban are that teachers use
learning strategies through cellphones/laptops and provide online applications
via Whatsaap/Google Classroom. Learning resources used by GWK, GPAI, GPAK,
GPKN, GIPS are using YouTube, Google, and textbooks or worksheets. In addition,
it is easier to explain through power point. Obstacles GWK, GPAI, GPAK, GPKN,
GIPS are not knowing the crew directly. The need for new insights in
controlling technology such as HP/Laptops. Support when implementing online
learning during the COVID-19 pandemic, namely, the response of regular
students, mild mentally retarded students, and the participation of parents in
the inclusive school of SMP Negeri 6 Tuban. Technology is one of the factors
that can support online learning.
Keywords: Mild
Mental retardation, Online Learning, Inclusive