Good education today is an educational system capable of producing balanced human
resources between the intellectual and the moral aspects (Suwija 2012). In Indonesia, the
curriculum has undergone changes which will affect the academic calendar, materials, lesson hours
and student assessment systems. Likewise, the curriculum system and learning media in education
at the Navy Academy.
This study aims to develop interactive multimedia-based learning media to overcome
various obstacles in the learning process for cadets at AAL so that cadets are more active in the
learning process using the Media Assisted Instruction (CAI). This research uses the Research &
Development (R&D) method which consists of several steps, namely: potential and problems, data
collection, product design, design validation, design revision, product testing, product revision,
usage testing, product revision and mass product revisions. The subjects in this development
research trial were cadets of the 3rd level of the Navy Academy who were taking English courses.
This study was validated by media expert validators and material expert validators. The
evaluation of the material expert validation obtained a score 36 with a quality percentage 90% so
that the evaluation of the material expert validator was included in the very good category. The
assessment on the media expert validation gets a score 35. With the percentage of eligibility 87,5%
So that the assessment of the media expert validator is included in the very good category. The
evaluation of the RPP validation obtained a score 38 with a quality percentage 95% so that the
evaluation of the material expert validator was included in the very good category. From this
validation assessment, the Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI) learning media for cadets at level
III of the Naval Academy is declared feasible to be used as an English learning medium and can
be used as an alternative to independent learning media for cadets.
Keywords : Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI), Australian Defense Force English Language
Profiling System (ADFELPS), Cadets of the Navy Academy