Putusan Nomor 3096 K/Pid.Sus/2018 terkait Perkara Tindak Pidana Penipuan dan Pencucian Uang yang dilakukan oleh First Travel menimbulkan kerugian terhadap korban First Travel yang telah menyetorkan uang kepada First Travel baik melalui agen ataupun kepada First Travel langsung. sehingga korban First Travel yang menjadi korban penipuan dan tindak pidana pencucian uang yang dilakukan oleh First Travel tidak mendapatkan uangnya kembali. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kesesuaian asas keadilan dan kemanfaatan Putusan a quo terkait perkara tindak pidana Penipuan dan Pencucian Uang First Travel. Serta untuk mengetahui upaya hukum yang dapat dilakukan korban First Travel agar dapat mengembalikan ganti kerugian pembayaran biaya umrah yang telah dibayarkan ke pihak First Travel. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian hukum yuridis normatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan kasus, perundang-undangan dan konseptual. Bahan hukum penelitian ini terdiri dari bahan hukum primer, bahan hukum sekunder. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa berdasarkan asas keadilan dan kemanfaatan hal terhadap perkara a quo tidak dapat dibenarkan. Dikarenakan berdasarkan teori restoratif justice (keadilan restoratif) setiap akibat tindak pidana harus didahulukan kepentingan korban akibat tindak pidana tersebut. Hakim dalam memutus perkara dalam upaya keadilan restoratif, dapat memperhatikan Pasal 98 KUHAP. Dimana aturan a quo mengatur bagaimana cara penggabungan proses penuntutan pidana dengan proses penggantian kerugian untuk korban. Hal tersebut memungkinkan korban tidak perlu mengajukan gugatan berbeda dengan tuntutan pidana yang dilakukan First Travel. Upaya hukum yang dapat dilakukan oleh Korban First Travel adalah melakukan gugatan Citizen Lawsuit, dimana warga negara (korban) menggugat pemerinatah yang telah lalai melindungi hak asasi warga negaranya. Sehingga harapannya pemerintah dapat menerbitkan aturan yang cocok untuk permasalahan First Travel.
Decision Number 3096 K / Pid.Sus / 2018 regarding Fraud and Money Laundering Criminal Cases committed by First Travel caused losses to First Travel pilgrims who had deposited money to First Travel either through agents or to First Travel directly. so that First Travel pilgrims who were victims of fraud and money laundering crimes committed by First Travel did not get their money back. The purpose of this study was to determine the appropriateness of the principles of justice and the usefulness of the a quo decision related to the First Travel Fraud and Money Laundering criminal cases. as well as to find out the legal remedies that First Travel pilgrims can take in order to recover compensation for the payment of Umrah fees that have been paid to First Travel. This research is a normative juridical legal research using a case, statutory and conceptual approach. The legal materials of this research consist of primary legal materials, secondary legal materials. The results showed that based on the principle of fairness and the benefit of the a quo case cannot be justified. Because based on the theory of restorative justice, every consequence of a criminal act must prioritize the interests of the victim due to the crime. Judges in deciding cases in efforts of restorative justice may pay attention to Article 98 of the Criminal Procedure Code. Where the a quo rule regulates how to combine the criminal prosecution process with the compensation process for the victim. This allows the victim not to have to file a lawsuit different from the criminal charges by First Travel. The legal effort that can be taken by Fictim First Travel is to file a Citizen Lawsuit, where citizens (congregations) sue the government for neglecting to protect the human rights of their citizens. So that the hope is that the government can issue regulations that are suitable for First Travel problems.