hasil pengalaman mengajar dan hasil observasi di SMK Negeri 1 Arosbaya proses
pendidikan masih menggunakan model
pembelajaran konvensional, sehingga aktivitas dan respon siswa terhadap proses
pembelajaran rendah, hal tersebut berpengaruh terhadap menurunnya hasil belajar
siswa. Berdasarkan kasus tersebut dikembangkan suatu model dengan menggunakan
model pembelajaran Student Facilitator
And Explaining yang bertujuan mengetahui Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Student Facilitator And Explaining Untuk
Meningkatkan Aktivitas dan Hasil Belajar Siswa Pada Mata Pelajaran Teknik Dasar
Otomotif Kelas X SMK Negeri 1 Arosbaya yang mana hasil dari beberapa penelitian
dapat meningkatkan kompetensi.
Jenis penelitian ini
adalah penelitian Tindakan Kelas yang Menggunakan dua siklus dengan subjek
penelitian siswa kelas X TKR SMK Negeri
1 Arosbaya tahun ajaran 2018/2019 yang
berjumlah 22 siswa , m etode
pengambilan data menggunakan metode angket, observassi, dan test.
analisi data hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa pada siklus I nilai rata-rata
hasil belajar siswa sebesar 73.75
meningkat menjadi 81,61
pada siklus II. Penerapan Model Pembelajaran
student facilitator and explaining juga
dapat meningkatkan aktivitas belajar siswa dimana pada siklus I aktivitas siswa
sebesar 59,21% meningkat menjadi 79,61% pada siklus II, sedangkan hasil respon
siswa mendapatkan presentase 82,14%, dan dikategorikan sangat baik.
Kata Kunci: Model pembelajaran Student Facilitator And Explaining , aktivitas belajar, respon
siswa, hasil belajar
From the results of the teaching experience and the results of
observations at SMK Negeri 1 Arosbaya the education process still uses
conventional learning models, so that the activities and responses of students
to the learning process are low, which affects the decline in student learning
outcomes. Based on the case, a model was developed using the Student Facilitator
learning model and explaining aimed at finding out the application of Student
Facilitator Learning Model and Explaining to Improve Student Activity and
Learning Outcomes in Class X Automotive Engineering Subjects of SMK Negeri 1
Arosbaya which results from several studies improve competence.
This type of research is Class Action research that uses two cycles with
the research subjects of class X TKR SMK Negeri 1 Arosbaya 2018/2019 academic
year totaling 22 students, data collection methods using questionnaire,
observassi, and test methods.
From the
analysis of research data it is known that in the first cycle the average value
of student learning outcomes of 73.75 increased to 81.61 in the second cycle.
The application of the Learning Model student facilitator and explaining can
also increase student learning activities where in the first cycle the student
activities amounted to 59.21%, increasing to 79.61% in the second cycle, while the
responses of the students got 82.14%, and categorized very well.
Keywords: Student Facilitator And Explaining learning model,
learning activities, student responses, learning outcomes .