Konsep learning factory sudah banyak dikembangkan didunia pendidikan. Pembahasan hanya sebatas unsur-unsur yang dihasilkan suatu konsep pada learning factory. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis konsep terintegrasi dalam pengembangan learning factory. (1) Menganalisis Learning Production System, (2) Menganalisis Internet of Things Application Center Industrie 4.0, (3) Menganalisis integrasi produk Changeable Learning Factory, (4) Menganalisis lean production Institute of Machine Tools and Industrial Management, (5) Menganalisis Kurikulum the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Computing and Electrical Engineering, (6) Menganalisis Kombinasi Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah dengan Learning Factory. Pembahasan hanya sebatas unsur-unsur yang dihasilkan pada suatu konsep pada learning factory. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode studi literatur dari penelusuran 6 artikel ilmiah yang sudah dilakukan penelitian sebelumnya. Hasil penelitian: (1) LPS mencakup Learning Factory-Process Improvement, Learning Factory-Resource Efficiency Process Improvement, Learning Factory-Management and Organisation. (2) IoT pada ACI harus memiliki hubungan kerjasama dan evaluasi. (3) CLF menghasilkan sebuah tingkatan produk. (4) Lean production IWB meliputi aspek sasaran, pendekatan dan ketersediaan alat. (5) Kurikulum FSRE yang menghubungkan sarana-prasarana, infrastruktur, keterampilan mahasiswa serta kondisi industri dan menghasilkan sistem informasi, pengembangan desain produk, kesiapan produksi dan manajemen. (6) Kombinasi PBL dan LF dapat mendukung mahasiswa dalam implementasi pengetahuan, meningkatkan interaksi, melibatkan langsung dan bertanggung jawab.
Kata kunci: Learning factory , konsep, terintegrasi, pengembangan.
The concept of learning factory has been developed in the world of education. The discussion is only limited to the elements produced by a concept in the learning factory. This study aims to analyze the integrated concepts in the development of learning factory. (1) Analyzing Learning Production System, (2) Analyzing Internet of Things Application Center Industrie 4.0, (3) Analyzing the integration of Changeable Learning Factory products, (4) Analyzing lean production Institute of Machine Tools and Industrial Management, (5) Analyzing Faculty Curriculum of Mechanical Engineering, Computing and Electrical Engineering, (6) Analyzing the Combination of Problem Based Learning with Learning Factory. The discussion is only limited to the elements produced by a concept in the learning factory. This study uses a literature study method from tracing 6 scientific articles that have been done before. Research results: (1) LPS includes Learning Factory-Process Improvement, Learning Factory-Resource Efficiency Process Improvement, Learning Factory-Management and Organisation. (2) IoT at ACI must have a cooperative and evaluation relationship. (3) CLF produces a product level. (4) Lean IWB production includes aspects of the target, approach and availability of tools. (5) FSRE curriculum connecting infrastructure, infrastructure, student skills and industry conditions and producing information systems, product design development, production readiness and management. (6) The combination of PBL and LF can support students in implementing knowledge, increasing interaction, involving directly and responsibly.
Keywords: Learning factory, concept, integrated, development.