Permainan bola basket merupakan salah satu cabang olahraga yang di kembangkan di Indonesia melalui pendidikan jasmani di sekolah maupun organisasi lainnya di bawah pengawasan PERBASI (Persatuan Bola Basket Indonesia). Hal tersebut di lakukan dalam rangka umtuk mengembangkan potensi masyarakat khususnya dalam bidang bola basket sejak dini demi menunjang tercapainya prestasi yang terbaik dalam cabang olahraga bola basket di tingkat nasional dan internasional.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kemampuan kondisi fisik Tim Basket Putra SMA N 1 Sidayu. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif yang menerapkan gambaran aktifitas kemampuan kondisi fisik Tim Basket Putra SMA N 1 Sidayu. Subyek penelitian ini adalah pemain Tim Basket Putra SMA N 1 Sidayu yang berjumlah 15 pemain.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian terhadap peserta yang mengikuti tes kemampuan kondisi fisik Tim Basket Putra SMA N 1 Sidayu melalui 4 item tes diperoleh hasil bahwa kemampuan kondisi fisik Tim Basket Putra SMA N 1 Sidayu tergolong sedang, terbukti dari rata rata tim basket putra SMA N 1 Sidayu mendapat nilai Shuttle Run 12,59 detik termasuk kategori "sedang", Kecepatan 3,53 detik masuk kategori "sedang", Standing Broad Jump 1,93m masuk kategori "baik", Vo2Max 27,77ml/kg/menit kategori "kurang".
Kata kunci : Bola Basket, Kondisi Fisik, SMA N 1 Sidayu
Basketball is a sport that is developed in Indonesia through physical education in schools and other organizations under the supervision of PERBASI (Indonesian Basketball Association). This was done in order to develop the potential of the community, especially in the field of basketball from an early age in order to support the achievement of the best achievements in the sport of basketball at national and international levels.
This study aims to determine the ability of the physical condition of the Men's Basketball Team SMA N 1 Sidayu. This type of research is a quantitative study using a descriptive approach that applies a description of the activities ability of physical condition the Men's Basketball Team of SMA N 1 Sidayu. The subjects of this study were 15 men's basketball players from SMA N 1 Sidayu.
Based on the results of a study of participants who took the physical condition ability test for the Men's Basketball Team of SMA N 1 Sidayu through 4 test items, it was found that the physical condition ability of the Men's Basketball Team for SMA N 1 Sidayu was moderate, as evidenced by the average men's basketball team of SMA N 1 Sidayu got Shuttle Run values 12.59 seconds that's included in the "medium" category, 3.53 seconds in the "medium" category, Standing Broad Jump 1.93m in the "good" category, Vo2Max 27.77ml / kg / minute in the "less" category.
Keywords: Basketball, Physical Conditions, SMA N 1 Sidayu