Pemanfaatan Buah Pisang Mas (Musa acuminata Colla) Sebagai Es Krim Probiotik Dengan Penambahan Kultur Starter Lactobacillus plantarum B1765
The Use Of Lady Finger Banana Fruit (Musa acuminata Colla) As Probiotic Ice Cream With The Addition Of Starter Cultures Of Lactobacillus plantarum B1765
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh lama fermentasi terhadap mutu mikrobiologi total bakteri asam laktat (BAL), mutu kimia (pH) dan total asam tertitrasi (TAT), dan mutu organoleptik (aroma, rasa, dan tekstur) pada es krim probiotik Buah Pisang Mas (Musa acuminata Colla) dengan penambahan kultur starter Lactobacillus plantarum B1765. L.plantarum B1765 yang telah diteliti memiliki karakteristik probiotik. Fermentasi dilakukan selama 0, 4, 6, dan 8 jam. Total Bakteri Asam Laktat (BAL) diukur menggunakan metode TPC. pH dan TAT masing-masing diukur menggunakan pH meter dan titrasi asam basa. Sedangkan uji organoleptik menggunakan uji hedonik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa lama fermentasi berpengaruh terhadap total BAL, pH, TAT, dan tekstur, tetapi tidak berpengaruh terhadap aroma dan rasa. Terjadi peningkatan total BAL sebesar 2 log cycle pada 8 jam fermentasi mencapai 7,40 x 109 CFU/mL. pH menurun dari 6,17 menjadi 5,10 dan TAT meningkat dari 0,40% menjadi 1,84%. Nilai rata-rata tingkat kesukaan panelis terhadap aroma, rasa, dan tekstur adalah 3,03; 3,21; 3,17 dan menunjukkan kecenderungan dalam kategori suka. Waktu fermentasi terbaik adalah 8 jam. Berdasarkan total BAL, pH dan TAT, es krim Pisang Mas dapat digunakan sebagai agen probiotik.
Kata kunci: Es krim probiotik, Buah Pisang Mas, L.plantarum B1765, Mutu produk.
This study aims to determine the effect of fermentation time on microbiological quality of total Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB), chemical qualities of pH and Total Titratable Acid (TTA), and organoleptic qualities of flavor, taste, and texture on probiotic ice cream of Lady Finger Banana fruit (Musa acuminata Colla) with the addition of starter culture Lactobacillus plantarum B1765. L.plantarum B1765 has been studied has probiotic characteristics. Fermentation is carried out for 0, 4, 6, and 8 hours. The total of Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) was enumerated using the TPC method. pH and TTA are determined using a pH meter and acid-base titration respectively. Whereas, organoleptic was tested using the hedonic test. The results showed that fermentation time affects the total LAB, pH, TTA, and texture, but does not affects the flavor and taste. There was an increase in the total LAB of 2 logs cycle at 8 hours fermentation reached 7.40 x 109 CFU/mL. The pH decreased from 6.17 to 5.10 and TTA increased from 0.40% to 1.84%. The average value of panelist level of preference of flavor, taste, and texture were 3.03; 3.21; 3.17 respectively and showed a tendency in the like catagories. The best fermentation time was 8 hours. Based on total LAB, pH and TTA, Lady Finger bananas ice cream could be used as probiotics agent.
Keywords: probiotic ice cream, Lady Finger banana fruit, L.plantarum B1765, product quality.