Bahasa menjadi alat bertutur manusia dengan manusia lain. Bahasa digunakan guru untuk memajukan pembelajaran dan meningkatkan prestasi peserta didik di sekolah. Guru menjadi komponen terkuat dalam dunia pendidikan. Selain menjadi tokoh untuk mencerdasakan kehidupan bangsa, guru menjadi panutan bertutur bahasa baik, sopan, dan terarah bagi peserta didiknya.
Guru Sekolah Menengah Pertama merupakan guru yang harus mampu menjadi sosok kreatif, dan mampu mengendalikan keadaan saat kegiatan belajar mengajar di kelas. Peseta didik Sekolah Menengah Pertama merupakan peserta didik yang sedang mengalami masa transisi dari bangku sekolah dasar menuju bangku sekolah menengah atas. Hal tersebut menjadi alasan atau latar belakang peneliti melakukan penelitian tentang tindak tutur ilokusi guru Sekolah Menengah Pertama Labschool Unesa Ketintang Surabaya. Sekolah Menengah Pertama Labschool Unesa Ketintang Surabaya merupakan sekolah di bawah naungan Universitas Negeri Surabaya.
Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan maksud, fungsi, dan jenis tindak tutur ilokusi guru Sekolah Menengah Pertama Labschool Unesa Ketintang Surabaya dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik sadap, simak, dan catat dalam proses pengumpulan data. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik analisis deskriptif dan pendekatan kualitatif.
Berdasarkan hasil analisis dapat diketahui bahwa guru Sekolah Menengah Pertama Labschool Unesa Ketintang sering menggunakan tindak ilokusi direktif. Tindak Ilokusi tersebut memiliki maksud yaitu memerintah, menuntut, dan memesan. Selain direktif, ada tindak ilokusi asertif, komisif, ekspresif, dan deklaratif. Mengarah pada fungsi sosial tindak tutur ilokusi, guru bertutur menghasilkan fungsi sosial kompetitif, bekerja sama, menyenangkan, dan bertentangan. Fungsi regulasi, pemerian, dan perorangan ialah fungsi bahasa yang muncul dari tuturan guru kepada peserta didik. Jenis tindak tutur ilokusi sebagai cara pengutaraan tuturannya, kemunculan jenis tindak tutur langsung literal sering dituturan oleh guru Sekolah Menengah Pertama Labschool Unesa Ketintang Surabaya.
Kata Kunci: maksud, fungsi, jenis tindak tutur ilokusi, guru SMP, belajar, mengajar.
Language becomes a tool for humans to speak with other humans. Language is used by teachers to advance learning and improve student achievement in school. Teachers become the strongest component in the world of education. In addition to being a figure to create the life of the nation, the teacher is a role model of good, polite, and directed language for the students.
Junior High School teachers are teachers who must be able to be creative, and be able to control the situation when teaching and learning activities in class. Because junior high school students are students who are experiencing a transition from elementary school to high school. This is the reason or background of the researchers to conduct research on the illocutionary acts of teachers at Junior High School Labschool Unesa Ketintang Surabaya. Junior High School Labshool Unesa Ketintang is a school under the auspices State University of Surabaya.
The purpose of this study was to describe the intention, function, and type of speech acts of illocutionary teacher at Junior High School Labschool Unesa Ketintang in teaching and learning activities. Researchers used tapping, listening, and note taking techniques in the data collection process. This research uses descriptive analysis techniques and qualitative approaches.
Based on the analysis results it can be seen that the Junior High School Labschool Unesa Ketintang often use the intention of directive illocutionary acts. The intention is like ordering, demanding, and ordering. Besides directive, there are assertive, commissive, expressive, and declarative intention. Referring to the social function of illocutionary speech acts, the teacher often use social functions that are competitive, cooperative, fun, and conflicting. The function of regulation, description, and individual is the function of language that arises from the speech of the teacher to students. While the type of illocutionary speech acts as a way of saying the speech, the emergence of the type of direct speech act is often spoken by the teacher of Labschool Unesa Ketintang Surabaya.
Keyword: intention, function, type of speech acts of illocutionary, junior high school teachers, teaching and learning.