Perilaku Sadisme Tokoh Dalam Naskah Film “Das Weisse Band”
Sadistic Behavior of Characters in the Film Script "Das Weisse Band"
Film is one type of literary work in the form of audiovisual media. Michael Haneke is a director who directed the main film, Das Weiße Band. The scenes in the script of this film tell several events related to torture to murder, these scenes are called sadistic behavior. This study aims to describe the types and elements of the causes of sadism in the script of Das Weiße Band using Erich Fromm's psychoanalysis theory. This research uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive method to find the object to be studied. Then use read and record techniques to collect research data. Fromm suggests (2000: 404-410) that there are 3 types of sadism, namely: sexual sadism, non-sexual sadism, and mental sadism. Researchers found 2 types of sadism behavior in the film script, namely non-sexual sadism and mental sadism. Then the factors that cause sadism behavior are Extreme Environmental Factors and Community Education Patterns.