Pada tahun 2020 tim Garuda Universitas Negeri Surabaya (GARNESA) berpartisipasi aktif dalam Kontes Mobil Hemat Energi (KMHE) secara online dalam kategori Urban Concept dengan tuan rumah Universitas Indonesia. Dalam membuat Mobil Hemat Energi (MHE) ada beberapa bagian yang perlu diperhatikan agar mendapatkan performa dan stabilitas kendaraan yang baik yaitu : Diesel Engine, Drive Train, Aerodynamics of Body, Vehicle Stability, Chassis, and Weight of Car.
Sasis berfungsi sebagai penopang semua beban pada kendaraan. Dalam merancang sasis yang stabil, minimalis, dan aerodinamis perlu diperhatikan perhitungan dalam pembebanan statis atau dinamis, material yang digunakan harus disesuaikan agar menghasilkan sasis yang ringan dan kuat. Sehingga sasis mampu menahan beban statis pada steering, pengemudi, mesin dan baterai utama, dan body. Serta beban dinamis seperti getaran yang di akibatkan mesin dan beban saat dilakukan pengereman.
Metode pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini melalui wawancara yaitu dengan melakukan wawancara kepada narasumber atau anggota Garnesa divisi sasis, bodi, dan engine. Dan data sekunder yang diperoleh secara langsung peneliti dari subjek penelitiannya. Data sekunder biasanya berwujud data dokumentasi atau data laporan yang telah tersedia. Berdasarkan data sekunder yang diperoleh penelitian terhadap sasis harus dilakukan agar mengetahui kekuatan sasis yang akan dibuat tersebut aman digunakan dan tidak mengalami kerusakan ketika digunakan.
Dari hasil analisa dan perhitungan yang telah dilakukan didapatkan bahwa desain sasis dimensi 1 x 3 x 1/8 inchi adalah sasis yang sesuai untuk digunakan pada kendaraan tipe urban concept. Dari analisa menggunakan autodesk inventor didapatkan nilai von mises stress maksimal 52,154 MPa, displacement X maksimal 0,0782 mm, displacement Y maksimal 0,1607 mm, displacement Z maksimal 0,0410 mm, dan safety factor 5,272. Sedangkan dari hasil perhitungan yang telah dilakukan didapatkan nilai tegangan normal maksimal sebesar 0,723 MPa ≤ |𝜎|, tegangan geser maksimal sebesar 4,978 MPa ≤ | 𝜏𝑠 |, tegangan bending maksimal sebesar 14,411 MPa ≤ |𝜎| dan tegangan total yang terjadi pada sasis adalah 15,931 MPa ≤ (|𝜎| = 92 MPa).
In 2020 Garuda Universitas Negeri Surabaya team (GARNESA) actively participated in the online Energy Saving Car Contest (KMHE) in the Urban Concept category for the diesel internal combustion engine class, hosted by the University of Indonesia. In making an Energy Efficient Car (MHE) there are several parts that need to be considered in order to get good vehicle performance and stability, that is: Diesel Engine, Drive Train, Aerodynamics of Body, Vehicle Stability, Chassis, and Weight of Car. The chassis serves as a support for all loads on the vehicle. In designing a stable, minimalist and aerodynamic chassis, it is necessary to pay attention to calculations in static or dynamic loading, the material used must be adjusted to produce a lightweight and strong chassis. So that the chassis is able to withstand static loads on the steering, driver, engine and main battery, and body. As well as dynamic loads such as vibration caused by the engine and the load when braking.
The method of collecting data in this study was through interviews, namely by conducting interviews with sources or members of Garnesa's chassis, body, and engine division. And secondary data obtained directly by the researcher from the research subject. Secondary data is usually in the form of documentation data or report data that is already available. Based on secondary data obtained, research on the chassis must be carried out in order to determine the strength of the chassis to be made so that it is safe to use and does not suffer damage when used. From the results of the analysis and calculations that have been carried out, it is found that the chassis design with dimensions of 1 x 3 x 1/8 inches is a chassis that is suitable for use in urban concept vehicles.
From the analysis using autodesk inventor, the maximum von mises stress value is 52.154 MPa, maximum X displacement is 0.0782 mm, maximum Y displacement is 0.1607 mm, maximum Z displacement is 0.0410 mm, and the safety factor is 5.272. Meanwhile, from the results of the calculations that have been carried out, the maximum normal stress value is 0.723 MPa |𝜎|, the maximum shear stress is 4.978 MPa | |, maximum bending stress is 14.411 MPa |𝜎| and the total stress on the chassis is 15.931 MPa (|𝜎| = 92 MPa).