Name : Moh.
Hasan Basri
NIM : 12050724021
Program : S-1 Civil Engineering
Majors : Civil
Faculty : Technique
of Institute : State University of Surabaya
Counselor : Yogie Risdianto,
S.T., M.T
The purpose of this study was to determine the Optimum Asphalt Level from variations in the number of collisions and to determine the effect of variations in the number of collisions on BGA and LGA asbuton in a mixture of Asphalt Concrete - Wearing Course (AC - WC) through Marshall testing.
This type of research is quantitative research by conducting testing in the laboratory. This study was conducted to determine the effect of BGA and LGA asbuton by analyzing the data that has been determined.
Optimum Asphalt Levels produced by AC-WC mixtures with 75 and 112 collisions are 5.5%. Optimum Asphalt Levels produced by a mixture of AC-WC and BGA obtained 5.0% for 75 collisions and 5.5% for 112 collisions. Optimum Asphalt Levels produced by a mixture of AC-WC and LGA with 75 and 112 collisions are 5.0%. The results showed that with the number of collisions 75 produced a higher stability value of collision 112. The average flow value produced by the collision 75 has met the specifications when compared with collision 112. This shows that with the collision number of more than 75 all test specimens the mix of AC-WC with BGA and LGA did not meet the 2010 Bina Marga specifications.
Keywords: AC - WC, Asbuton, Collision