Pengembangan E-modul Berbasis Digital Flipbook Untuk Mempermudah Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh Di SMA
Digital Flipbook-Based E-module Development to Facilitate Distance Learning in High School
Berdasarkan observasi yang dilakukan bahwa sumber belajar di SMA Negeri 14 Surabaya masih buku keluaran penerbit. Buku yang digunakan hanya berisi materi teks bacaan tidak ada gambar pendukung materi serta warna dan background gambar yang terlihat monoton. Disamping itu rendahnya minat belajar peserta didik juga menjadi masalah dalam proses pembelajaran, banyak peserta didik yang belum mengetahui tujuan pembelajaran yang harus mereka capai. Tujuan penelitian pengembangan ini yaitu mengetahui kelayakan penggunaan secara teoritis dan empiris serta mengetahui kepraktisan penggunaan E-modul berbasis digital flipbook. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian pengembangan model 4-D dengan empat tahap prosedur pengembangan: (1)pendefinisian, (2)perencanaan, (3)pengembangan. Teknik analisis data dilakukan secara deskriptif kuantitatif meliputi kelayakan teoritis berupa hasil validasi, kelayakan empiris berupa hasil uji keterbacaan dan angket peserta didik yang diambil dari 20 peserta didik Kelas X IPS SMA Negeri 14 Surabaya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa E-modul berbasis digital flipbook memperoleh nilai rata-rata 0,91 dari hasil validasi menunjukkan bahwa E-modul berbasis digital flipbook termasuk dalam kategori valid dan layak secara teoritis. Uji keterbacaan berada dilevel 10 artinya sesuai dengan kelas 10 serta hasil rata-rata dari respon peserta didik sebesar 82% pada pernyataan positif dan 39% pada pernyataan negatif termasuk kategori sangat layak secara empiris.
Based on the observations made, the learning resources at 14 State Senior High Schools Surabaya are still published books. The books used only contain reading text material, there are no supporting images for the material and the color and background images that look monotonous. Besides that, the low interest in learning of students is also a problem in the learning process, many students do not know the learning objectives they have to achieve. The purpose of this research and development is to determine the feasibility of using theoretically and empirically as well as knowing the practicality of using digital flipbook-based E-modules. This type of research is a 4-D model development research with four stages of development procedures: (1) defining, (2) planning, (3) development. The data analysis technique was carried out in a descriptive quantitative manner including theoretical feasibility in the form of validation results, empirical feasibility in the form of legibility test results and student questionnaires taken from 20 students of Class X IPS at 14 State Senior High Schools Surabaya. The results showed that the digital flipbook-based E-module obtained an average value of 0.91 from the validation results indicating that the digital flipbook-based E-module was categorized as valid and theoretically feasible. The readability test is at level 10, which means that it is in accordance with class 10 and the average result of students' responses is 82% for positive statements and 39% for negative statements, including the empirically very feasible category.