Tuban Regency is a
district where limestone is commonly found . Limestone is used as a
building materials and cement
raw materials. In Koro
Hamlet, Pongpongan Village, Merakurak Tuban District,
70% o f the total family
heads work as a limestone
miners. The hamlet is surrounded by limestone land owned by Perhutani and
PT.Semen Indonesia. The land that is being cultivated by the community as a mining
location is now permanently closed by the local government. The c losure of limestone quarr y
has resulted in changes in the socio-aconomic conditions pof the community. The community switch ed professions to
become a
farmers in otherareas.
Th e type of this
research is quantitative
descriptive with survey menthod. The location of th is research was in the
Koro Hamlet , Pongpongan
Village , Merakurak
D istrict ,
Regency .
The population in this research
w ere
94 res pondents .
The data source s are
primary and secondary data. Data collection techniques used were observation,
interviews, questionnaries, and documentation. Then, the data analysis
technique used is quantitative descriptive analysis which the data obtained are
analyzed using percentages.
The results showed that
the closure of the limestone quarry had an influence on changes in the
socio-economic conditions of the people in Koro Hamlet, Pongpongan Village,
Merakurak District, Tuban Regency. The c hanges
occurred in the livelihoods that were initially homogeneous as lime miners by
100%, after the closure of the limestone quarry the community switched
professions as farmers by 58.51% and the rest worked in other fields such as
laborers and traders . Then the changes in community income decline due to
changes in new livelihoods. The highest income after the closure of the
limestone quarry is Rp2,000,000,00-Rp3,000,000,00 with a percentage of 58.51%.
Keywords: limestone mine closure, social conditions,
economic conditions.