Putra, Bagus Johansyah.
2021. Analysis of Online PJOK Learning Against Interests, Activities and
Student Learning Outcomes During the Pandemic Coronavirus Disease (Covid-19) at
SMPN 27 Gresik. Thesis, Sports Education Study Program, Postgraduate, Surabaya
State University. Advisors: (1) Dr. Gigih Siantoro, S.Pd., M.Pd, and (II) Dr.
Abdul Rachman Syam Tuasikal, M.Pd.
Keywords: Online PJOK
Learning, Learning Interests, Learning Activities, Learning Outcomes, Covid-19.
Learning PJOK Online which is
carried out by all subject teachers, especially PJOK teachers, makes PJOK
teachers have to foster students' interest in learning because learning which
is usually done face-to-face has to switch to online learning during the
Coronavirus Disease (Covid-19) pandemic. Psychologists say that one of the
things that can affect a student's learning outcomes is interest and
interesting learning activities. It is hoped that with online PJOK learning can
foster interest, activities and good learning outcomes, in order to get
effective learning during the Covid-19 pandemic. The purpose of this study was
to determine the existence of online PJOK learning efforts in increasing the
interest, activities and learning outcomes of students during the Coronavirus
Disease (Covid-19) pandemic. The method used in this research is to use the
research method ex-post facto. Data collection was carried out by researchers
using a questionnaire using Google Forms. The analysis technique used by
researchers is multiple regression analysis techniques. The population used by
the researcher was 128 students of class VII SMPN 27 Gresik. Researchers took
data samples using purposive sampling as many as 40 students starting from
class VIIA-VIID which consisted of 5 boys and 5 girls in each class. The
results of the correlation analysis showed that the online PJOK learning
variables had a correlation between the predictors of learning interest in
online PJOK learning of .21, the correlation of the predictors of learning
outcomes towards online PJOK learning was .52, while the correlation of
learning outcomes towards learning PJOK online was -.11 grade VII students during
during the covid-19 pandemic at SMPN 27 Gresik. Thus, it is concluded that in
class VII online PJOK learning at SMPN 27 Gresik has a positive effect seen
from the research T test and is related to one another to increase student
interest, activity and learning outcomes during the Covid-19 pandemic period at
SMPN 27 Gresik.