Pre-survey results show that more than 50% of home industry
players did not carry out sales production activities during the pandemic and
laid off or reduced their workforce due to hampered economic activities due to
COVID-19. Research objectives to analyze; consumer demand for the sandal shoe
home industry in Surodinawan Village during the COVID-19 pandemic; the
intensity of sandal shoe shipments to the sandal shoe home industry in
Surodinawan Village during the COVID-19 pandemic; availability of raw materials
for sandals in the sandals home industry in Surodinawan Village during the
COVID-19 pandemic; income of sandals home industry players in Surodinawan
Village during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The type of research used is descriptive quantitative in
the form of a percentage, with a total population of 46 home industry players.
Determination of the sample using the saturated sample method because all
members of the population are used as samples. Interview data collection
techniques with questionnaire guidelines and documentation.
The results of the research show that; Consumer demand for
sandals during the pandemic came from within the city and outside the city
through online sales and online promotional activities with a total percentage
of strongly agreeing at 56.4% which was classified as moderate; The intensity
of sandal shoe shipments has decreased due to social restrictions and vehicle
mobility, it’s difficult to make deliveries outside the city due to high
shipping costs and the volume of shipments does not meet the target with a
total percentage of agreed at 53% which is classified as moderate; The
availability of raw materials for sandals is scarce, prices soar, the quality
of raw materials also decreases. Long waiting time for orders and production
working hours were also reduced with a total agree percentage of 65.3% which
was high; The majority of home shoe industry players have income < Rp.
1,000,000 per month during the pandemic with a percentage of 56.5% and the
lowest having income > Rp. 4,372,000 with a percentage of 10.9% which is
relatively low.
Income, Consumer Demand, Delivery Intensity, Raw Material, Home Industry.