Analisis Putusan Nomor 102/ Pid. Sus/ 2019/ Pn. Trg tentang Tindak Pidana Peredaran Kosmetik tanpa Izin Edar
Judges Verdict Review No. 102/ Pid. Sus/ 2019/ Pn. Trg about Distribution of Cosmetics without Distribution Authorization
Kosmetik merupakan produk, berbahan dasar alami maupun kimia yang diolah dan digunakan pada bagian luar tubuh manusia. Perkembangan industri kosmetik di Indonesia semakin tahun semakin meningkat, hal ini yang mendorong pemerintah untuk mengeluarkan Undang-Undang terkait izin edar yang diatur dalam UU Nomor 36 Tahun 2009 tentang Kesehatan. Peredaran kosmetik yang tidak disertai izin edar akan melalui proses peradilan dengan putusan hakim. Namun demikian putusan hakim seringkali tidak sesuai dengan nilai keadilan bagi masyarakat, sebagaimana Putusan Nomor 102/Pid.Sus/ 2019/ Pn. Trg tentang peredaran kosmestik tanpa ijin edar. Permasalahan yang diangkat penelitian ini berkaitan dengan pertimbangan putusan hakim pada kasus yang dilakukan oleh Fitria Dian Sari dan apakah putusan hakim tersebut telah sesuai dengan nilai keadilan bagi masyarakat. Penelitian hukum normatif ini menggunakan pendekatan perundang-undangan, pendekatan konsep dan pendekatan kasus serta menggunakan analisis preskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sanksi pidana yang dijatuhkan hakim berdasarkan Putusan Nomor 102/Pid.Sus/ 2019/ Pn.Trg dinilai terlalu ringan yakni hanya pidana penjara 1 bulan 14 hari dan denda Rp 3.000.000,00. Dianggap terlalu ringan karena terdakwa disamping mengedarkan juga memproduksi kosmetik tanpa izin edar, dan sudah menikmati hasil dari perbuatannya. Perilaku terdakwa ini meresahkan dan mengancam keamanan masyarakat. Sanksi pidana yang ringan tersebut dinilai kurang adil bagi masyarakat khususnya bagi korban. Seharusnya hakim juga mempertimbangkan nilai-nilai yang ada di masyarakat berkaitan dengan dampak kosmestik tanpa izin edar tersebut. Adanya hukuman yang memadai diharapkan memberi efek jera bagi pelaku dan sebagai upaya preventif agar tidak ada pelaku tindak pidana sejenis.
Kata kunci : putusan hakim, kosmetik, nilai keadilan.
Cosmetics are products, made from natural or chemical ingredients that are processed and used on the outside of the human body. The development of the cosmetics industry in Indonesia has been increasing every year, this has prompted the government to issue a law related to distribution permits which are regulated in Law Number 36 of 2009 concerning Health. The distribution of cosmetics that are not accompanied by a distribution permit will go through a judicial process with a judge's decision. However, judges' decisions are often not following the value of justice for society, as Decision Number 102 / Pid.Sus / 2019 / Pn. Trg regarding cosmic circulation without distribution permission. The problem raised by this research is related to the consideration of the judge's decision in the case carried out by Fitria Dian Sari and whether the judge's decision is following the value of justice for society. This normative legal research uses a statutory approach, a conceptual approach, and a case approach and uses a prescriptive analysis. The results showed that the criminal sanctions imposed by the judge were based on Decision Number 102 / Pid.Sus / 2019 / Pn. Trg was considered too light, namely only 1 month and 14 days imprisonment and a fine of Rp. 3,000,000.00. It was considered too light because the defendant, besides distributing, also produced cosmetics without a distribution permit, and had enjoyed the results of his actions. The defendant's behavior unsettles and threatens the safety of the community. This lenient criminal sanction is deemed unfair for the community, especially for victims. The judges should also consider the values that exist in society related to the cosmic impact without the distribution permit. The existence of an adequate sentence is expected to provide a deterrent effect on the perpetrator and as a preventive measure so that there are no perpetrators of similar crimes.
Keywords: judge’s verdict, cosmetics, justice value