Implementasi Penyelenggaraan Rumah Kos di Desa Kepuhkiriman
Kecamatan Waru Kabupaten Sidoarjo
Salah satu wilayah yang berbatasan langsung dengan Kota Surabaya adalah Kecamatan Waru. Dengan jumlah pendatang yang sangat banyak khususnya Desa Kepuhkiriman, masyarakat memanfaatkannya dengan mendirikan Rumah Kos sebagai alternatif tempat tinggal bagi para pendatang. Perkembangan Rumah Kos yang kian pesat membuat Pemerintah Kabupaten Sidoarjo Untuk membuat Peraturan Daerah Nomor 2 Tahun 2018 tentang Penyelenggaraan Rumah Kos. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis implementasi Kebijakan Penyelenggaraan rumah kos di Desa KepuhKiriman Kecamatan Waru Kabupaten Sidoarjo.
Jenis penelitian yang digunakan yaitu penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan teori Van Metter Van Horn meliputi sumber daya, standar dan sasaran kebijakan, karakteristik agen pelaksana, komunikasi antar organisasi dan aktivitas pelaksana, sikap atau kecenderungan para pelaksana (disposisi),lingkungan sosial, ekonomi dan politik. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu dengan observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi sedangkan teknik analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik analisis kualitatif menurut Miles dan Huberman meliputi reduksi data, penyajian data, penarikan kesimpulan.
Secara keseluruhan kebijakan yang diterapkan masih memiliki kekurangan dalam proses implementasinya, dari indikator sumber daya masih ditemukan kekurangan sumberdaya manusia dari pelaksana kebijakan tersebut yaitu Dinas Penanaman Modal dan PTSP, namun sumber dana dan fasilitas yang diberikan DPMPTSP sudah cukup baik. Standar dan sasaran kebijakan ini juga cukup jelas dan menunjang proses implementasi kebijakan Penyelenggaraan Rumah Kos, sehingga mempermudah dalam proses implementasinya. Dalam indikator karakteristik agen pelaksana, pemahaman mengenai peran dan tugas Dinas Penanaman Modal dan PTSP sebagai agen pelaksana telah dipahami dengan baik. Indikator Komunikasi antar organisasi pun juga terdapat masalah yaitu koordinasi antara Dinas Penanaman Modal dan PTSP selaku penyelenggara tidak mangadakan komunikasi yang intens dengan Pemerintah Desa dan Ketua RT. Salah satu indikator yang sudah berjalan sangat baik yaitu dari sikap atau kecenderungan pelaksana, dimana pelaksana sangat memahami kebijakan tersebut sehingga dalam proses implementasinya diciptakan sistem yang mempermudah untuk perizinan dan memberikan pelayanan yang maksimal. Lingkungan politik, sosial dan ekonomi juga berperan besar budaya menjadi hal yang dijunjung oleh warga Kepuhikiriman yang mengedepankan sopan dan santun antar sesama warga. Dukungan dari pihak lain yaitu polisi sudah dapat dikatakan baik karena memang permasalahan yang tidak dapat diselesaikan dengan kekeluargaan dan melanggar hukum harus diselesaikan dengan pihak yang berwajib.
Saran dalam penelitian ini yaitu penambahan sumber daya manusia untuk meningkatkan sosialisasi yang masih kurang dari pihak Dinas Penanaman Modal dan Pelayanan Terpadu Satu pintu Kabupaten Sidoarjo. Cara-cara dalam sosialisasi yang perlu dirubah seperti menggunakan media sosial dan media massa sehingga masyarakat dapat mengetahui kebijakan tersebut secara menyeluruh serta komunikasi antar organisasi yang harus sempurnakan karena seharusnya komunikasi dapat terjalin dengan baik dengan cara seperti membentuk grup komunikasi di media sosial karena komunikasi internal organisasi saja tidak cukup namun juga antar organisasi.
Kata Kunci : Implementasi, Kebijakan, Rumah Kos
Implementation of the Organizing of Boarding Houses in the Village of
Kepuhkiriman District of Waru, Sidoarjo Regency
One of the areas directly adjacent to the city of Surabaya is the District of Waru. With a large number of migrants, especially the Village Kepuhkiriman, the community used it by establishing Boarding Houses as an alternative place of residence for migrants. The rapid development of the boarding house has made the Sidoarjo Regency Government to make a Regional Regulation Number 2 of 2018 concerning the Organization of Boarding Houses. The purpose of this study was to analyze the implementation of the Policy for the implementation of boarding houses in Village, Kepuhkiriman Sub-District of Waru, Sidoarjo Regency.
The type of research used is qualitative research using the theory of Donald S. Van Meter and Carl E. Van Horn it is resources, standards and policy objectives, characteristics of implementing agents, communication between organizations and implementing activities, attitudes or dispositions, social, economic and political environment. Data collection techniques used are observation, interviews and documentation while data analysis techniques in this study using qualitative analysis techniques according to Miles and Huberman include data reduction, data presentation, conclusion drawing.
From the results of these studies conclusions can be drawn using indicators put forward by Donald S. Van Meter and Carl E. Van Horn, as a whole the policies implemented still have shortcomings in the implementation process, from the resource indicators still found lack of resources human from the implementers of the policy namely the Investment Office and PTSP, but the sources of funds and facilities provided by DPMPTSP are quite good. The standards and objectives of this policy are also quite clear and support the process of implementing the Housing Organization policy, making it easier for the implementation process. In the indicators of the characteristics of the implementing agency, an understanding of the role and duties of the Investment Office and PTSP as the implementing agent has been well understood, as evidenced by the completion of the task of providing easy licensing flow and good service but still found the problem is how to disseminate policies that are less good and less even. Communication indicators between organizations also have problems, namely the coordination between the Investment Office and PTSP as the organizer does not hold intense communication with the Village Government and the Chairperson of the RT. Communication is established only within the Investment Office and PTSP so that this becomes an implementation problem because communication between organizations does not work well. One indicator that has been running very well is from the attitude or tendency of the executor, where the implementer understands the policy so that in the process of implementation a system is created that makes it easier for licensing and provides maximum service to the applicants for the permit to operate the boarding house. The political, social and economic environment also plays a major role Culture is a matter that is respected by the citizens of Kepuhikiriman who prioritize courtesy and courtesy among fellow citizens. Arrivals who become residents of boarding houses must finally follow this culture because living in an environment that upholds courtesy is in line with the Organizing Policy for boarding houses where migrants must interact with residents. The attitude of the people who support this policy also facilitates the process of implementing this boarding house policy. Support from other parties, namely the police, can be said to be good because indeed problems that cannot be resolved with family and violating the law must be resolved with the authorities.
Suggestions in this study are the addition of human resources for publication of the policy as the policy organizing committee in the Sidoarjo One-Stop Integrated Services and Investment Service then the ways in socialization that need to be changed and refined like using social media or mass media so that the community can thoroughly understand the policy. Communication between organizations that must be improved like making a group of social media with the member is the organization that involved because communication should be well established not only within the organization's internal communication but also between organizations.
Keywords: Implementation, Policy, Boarding House