Masyarakat pesisir dalam novel Balada Supri memiliki keunikan kepercayaan dan budaya yang perlu diinterpretasikan sehingga dapat diketahui makna dari simbol tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan menginterpretasikan kepercayaan dan simbol budaya masyarakat pesisir dalam novel Balada Supri karya Mochamad Nasrullah berdasarkan interpretative Clifford Geertz. Interpretative Clifford Geertz dilakukan untuk mencari makna simbol kebudayaan yang terdapat dalam budaya masyarakat pesisir dengan mengaitkan sistem pengetahuan (mode of), sistem nilai (mode for), dan sistem simbol (system of meaning). Ketiga sistem tersebut saling berkaitan untuk menginterpretasikan simbol budaya yang ada. Penelitian menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatf dengan pendekatan antropologi sastra dalam menginterpretasikan kepercayaan dan simbol kebudayaan masyarakat pesisir. Pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik baca catat dengan teknik analasis data menggunakan teknik analisis deskriptif. Hasil penelitian meliputi (1) kepercayaan masyarakat pesisir yang meliputi kepercayaan terhadap agama, kepercayaan terhadap ruh nenek moyang, kepercayaan terhadap makhluk goib, dan kepercayaan terhadap kekuatan supranatural, (2) simbol budaya masyarakat pesisir yang meliputi mata pencaharian, pemilihan pemimpin, pernikahan, kelahiran, dan kematian.
Kata Kunci: interpretative; kepercayaan; simbol; makna
The coastal communities in the novel Balada Supri have unique beliefs and cultures that need to be interpreted so that their meaning can be known. This study aims to interpret the beliefs and cultural symbols of coastal communities in Mochamad Nasrullah's Balada Supri novel based on the Clifford Geertz interpretive. The Clifford Geertz interpretation is carried out to find the meaning of cultural symbols contained in the culture of coastal communities by linking the knowledge system (mode of), the value system (mode for), and the system of meaning. The three systems are interrelated to interpret existing cultural symbols. This research uses descriptive qualitative method with literary anthropological approach in interpreting the beliefs and cultural symbols of coastal communities. The data collection used the reading note technique with the data analysis technique using the descriptive analysis technique. The results of the study include (1) coastal community beliefs which include belief in religion, belief in ancestral spirits, belief in goib creatures, and belief in supernatural powers, (2) symbolic culture of coastal communities which includes livelihood, leader selection, marriage, birth, and death.
Keywords: interpretive; belief; symbol; meaning