Saloka sajrone Tindak Tutur Nuturi ing Kelurahan Kepolorejo Kecamatan Magetan Kabupaten Magetan
Saloka in the Act of Advising Speech in Kepolorejo Village, Magetan District, Magetan Regency
Saloka dalam Tindak Tutur Menasihati (SDTTM) termasuk dalam tindak tutur direktif yang sering digunakan masyarakat. Saloka dalam tindak tutur menasihati, tidak hanya membahas mengenai pola dan bentuk bicara dari penutur terhadap mitra tutur saja. Namun, juga terdapat style atau gaya bahasa. Rumusan masalah dalam SDTTM berdasarkan (1) lageyane panutur dan (2) respon mitra tutur yang terdapat di Saloka dalam Tindak Tutur Menasihati ing Kelurahan Kepolorejo, Kecamatan Magetan, Kabupaten Magetan. Berdasarkan rumusan masalah tersebut, maka menimbulkan tujuan dari penelitian yaitu mengetahui dan menjelaskan jenis SDTTM berdasarkan lageyane panutur dan respon mitra tutur.
Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif, dengan menggunakan teori pragmatik. Data penelitian diambil xii dari SDTTN yang telah dikumpulkan dan dicatat setelah melakukan teknik semak catat dari masyarakat Kelurahan Kepolorejo, Kecamatan Magetan, Kabupaten Magetan. Penelitian ini menjelaskan lebih rinci mengenai jenis SDTTM berdasarkan lageyane panutur yang dibagi menjadi empat yakni (1) terus terang langsung, (2) terus terang tidak langsung, (3) tidak terus terang langsung, dan (4) tidak terus terang tidak langsung. Serta berdasarkan respon mitra tutur dibagi menjadi empat, yakni (1) diterima dilakukan, (2) diterima tidak dilakukan, (3) ditolak namun dilakukan, dan (4) ditolak tidak dilakukan.
Kata Kunci: Tindak tutur menasihati, lageyane panutur, respon mitra tutur.
Saloka in The Act of Advising Speech (SDTTM) is included in the directive speech that is often used by the community. Saloka in the act of advising speech, not only discussing the pattern and form of speech from speakers to speech partners only. However, there is also a style or style of language. The formulation of the problem in SDTTM is based on (1) lageyane panutur and (2) the response of speech partners contained in Saloka in The Act of Advising ing Kepolorejo Village, Magetan Subdistrict, Magetan Regency. Based on the formulation of the problem, it gives rise to the purpose of the study, namely knowing and explaining the type of SDTTM based on lageyane panutur and speech partner response.
This research uses qualitative descriptive methods, using pragmatic theory. Research data was taken from SDTTN which has been collected and recorded after performing bush techniques recorded from the kepolorejo village community, Magetan Subdistrict, Magetan Regency. This study describes in more detail about the type of SDTTM based on lageyane panutur which is divided into four, namely (1) frankly direct, (2) frankly indirect, (3) not frankly direct, and (4) not frankly indirect. And based on the response of speech partners divided into four, namely (1) accepted done, (2) received not done, (3) rejected but done, and (4) rejected not done.
Keywords: act of advising, lageyane panutur, response of speech partners