The Consultation Services
Clinic Program for the Use of Village Fund Allocation and Village Fund (Klinik
Lakon Penggoda) was formed by the Community Empowerment and Village Office of
Mojokerto Regency especially in the Village Government Sector based on the Decree
of the Head of the Community Empowerment and Village Office of Mojokerto
Regency Number 118/110 / 416-112 / 2017 concerning the Establishment of Clinics
Consultation Services for the Use of Village Fund Allocation and Village Funds
(Klinik Lakon Penggoda). Klinik Lakon Penggoda was formed in 2017 with the
target of the program being 299 village heads and village officials in
Mojokerto Regency. The program was formed with the aim of serving consultations
on the use of village and village fund allocations carried out by the village
head and village apparatus of each village in Mojokerto Regency. With this
program, it is expected to be able to encourage capacity building of village
heads and village officials to build sustainable village capacity and realize
village independence in terms of responsible governance management.
The focus of this research is the implementation of Klinik Lakon Penggoda, using the theory of policy implementation according to George Edward III which includes 4 indicators namely communication, resources, disposition and bureaucratic structure. This type of research is a descriptive study with a qualitative approach. The research subjects consisted of the Head and Implementing Staff of Klinik Lakon Penggoda, the Head of the Kenanten Village and the Kenanten Village Apparatus. Data collection techniques used were interviews, observation and documentation. Data analysis techniques used by data collection, data reduction and drawing conclusions. The results of this research on the implementation of Klinik Lakon Penggoda based on the theory of implementation according to George Edward III is good enough in its implementation. This is evidenced by the high participation by the village head and village apparatus in conducting consultations related to the use of village and village funds. In the communication indicator, the communication that has been carried out has been well proven by the socialization carried out through training activities and conducted technical guidance. In addition, the compilation of Standard Operating Procedures which serve as a guideline in the implementation of the Klinik Lakon Penggoda makes the information conveyed clear and consistent. Communication is done through direct consultation or through social media. In the resource indicator, there are three consultants in the Klinik Lakon Penggoda with their respective roles. However, there was an imbalance between the number of village heads and village officials who were served by the number of the Klinik Lakon Penggoda so that it became a problem during the implementation of this program. The facility resources in the Klinik Lakon Penggoda are considered to be adequate with a comfortable consultation room and the availability of the Klinik Lakon Penggoda’s car to support the activities carried out. In the disposition indicator, the appointment of the Klinik Lakon Penggoda executor is carried out in accordance with the expertise needed so that the program implementers are competent. To improve the quality of program implementers, routine training activities are also carried out. In bureaucratic structure indicators, program implementers carry out their duties according to their roles and functions. Coordination is done well between the parties involved in implementing the program. So it can be concluded that the implementation of Klinik Lakon Penggoda in the Community Empowerment and Village Office of Mojokerto Regency is going well, but it is constrained by the inadequacy of program implementation resources that can hamper consulting services.
Keywords: Implementation, Village Fund
Allocation, Village Fund