Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis aktivitas siswa kelas XI OTKP 3 pada saat penerapan model pembelajaran Think Talk Write pada mata pelajaran Otomatisasi Tata Kelola Humas dan Keprotokolan di SMK Ketintang Surabaya, menganalisis aktivitas guru pada saat penerapan model pembelajaran Think Talk Write pada mata pelajaran Otomatisasi Tata Kelola Humas dan Keprotokolan, menganalisis peningkatan kemampuan berkomunikasi siswa melalui penerapan model pembelajaran Think Talk Write pada mata pelajaran Otomatisasi Tata Kelola Humas dan Keprotokolan. Penelitian ini termasuk dalam jenis Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (Classroom Action Research). Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dalam 3 siklus dan peneliti bertindak sebagai pengamat di dalam kelas. Penelitian ini menggunakam siklus atau putaran tindakan yang berkelanjutan. Setiap putaran siklusnya melalui 4 tahap yaitu perencanaan, tindakan, pengamatan dan refleksi. Subjek penelitian ini berjumlah 35 siswa kelas XI OTKP 3 SMK Ketintang Surabaya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: 1) penerapan model pembelajaran Think Talk Write pada mata pelajaran Otomatisasi Tata Kelola Humas dan Keprotokolan aktivitas siswa pada siklus I sampai dengan siklus III memiliki peningkatan tiap siklusnya, data tersebut dinyatakan dari hasil siklus I sebesar 1,67, siklus II sebesar 2,55 dan siklus III sebesar 3,22; 2) penerapan model pembelajaran Think Talk Write pada mata pelajaran Otomatisasi Tata Kelola Humas dan Keprotokolan aktivitas guru pada siklus I sampai dengan siklus III memiliki peningkatan yang signifikan tiap siklusnya, data tersebut dinyatakan dari hasil siklus I sebesar 1,78, siklus II sebesar 2,44 dan siklus III sebesar 3,11; 3) penerapan model pembelajaran Think Talk Write pada mata pelajaran Otomatisasi Tata Kelola Humas dan Keprotokolan dapat meningkatkan kemampuan berkomunikasi siswa, mulai siklus I hingga siklus III. Dimana pada siklus I hasil rata-rata pre test 36,43 post test 53,57, siklus II hasil rata-rata pre test 62,71 post test 69,14 sedangkan pada siklus III hasil nilai rata-rata pre test 75,57 dan post test 84,85.
Kata Kunci: Penelitian Tindakan Kelas, Model Pembelajaran Think Talk Write, Otomatisasi Tata Kelola Humas
dan Kepotokolan
This study aims to analyze the activities of the OTKP 3 class XI students when applying the Think Talk Write learning model in the subjects of Public Relations and Protocol Governance Automation at SMK Ketintang Surabaya, analyzing teacher activities when applying the learning model Think Talk Write on the subject of Governance Automation Public Relations and Protocol, analyze the improvement of students' communication skills through the application of the Think Talk Write learning model in the subjects of Public Relations Governance and Protocol Automation. This research is included in the type of Classroom Action Research. This research was conducted in 3 cycles and the researcher acted as an observer in the classroom. This research uses a cycle or round of ongoing actions. Each cycle cycle through 4 stages, namely planning, action, observation and reflection. The subjects of this study were 35 students of class XI OTKP 3 in Ketintang Surabaya Vocational School. The results showed that: 1) the application of the Think Talk Write learning model in the subjects of Public Relations Governance and Protocol Automation activities of students in the first cycle to the third cycle had an increase in each cycle, the data was stated from the results of the first cycle of 1.67, cycle II amounting to 2.55 and the third cycle of 3.22; 2) the application of the Think Talk Write learning model in the subjects of Public Relations Governance and Protocol Automation of teacher activities in the first cycle to the third cycle has a significant increase each cycle, the data is stated from the results of the first cycle were 1.78, the second cycle was 2.44 and the third cycle was 3.11; 3) the application of the learning model Think Talk Write on the subjects of Automation of Public Relations and Protocol can improve students' communication skills, starting from cycle I to cycle III. Where in the first cycle the results of the average pre test 36.43 post test 53.57, the second cycle the results of the average pre test 62.71 post test 69.14 while in the third cycle the results of the average pre test 75.57 and post test 84.85.
Keywords: Classroom Action Research, Think Talk Write Learning, Public Relations Governance and Protocol