Pemanfaatan Akun TikTok Sebagai Media Pembelajaran Menulis Cerita Fantasi Siswa Sekolah Menengah Pertama
Using TikTok Accounts as a Learning Media for Writing Fantasy Stories for Junior High School Students
Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan proses, hasil, respon siswa dalam menggunakan salah satu aplikasi media sosial bernama Tiktok sebagai media pembelajaran proses menulis cerita fantasi. Penelitian ini mengaplikasikan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis deskriptif. Guru pengampu mata pelajaran bahasa Indonesia serta 30 siswa kelas VII B SMP Negeri 34 Surabaya menjadi responden langsung pada penelitian ini. Teknik pengumpulan data dikumpulkan melalui observasi, tes produk, serta angket. Guru pengampu mata pelajaran bahasa Indonesia mengamati proses mengajar guru dalam menerapkan akun Tiktok pada aktivitas pembelajaran. Tes produk diaplikasikan guna mendapatkan informasi atas 30 desain konten cerita fantasi siswa yang dihasilkan dari media sosial bernama Tiktok, serta pengisian angket oleh siswa guna menjelaskan respon mereka dalam memanfaatkan akun Tiktok sebagai media pembelajaran menulis cerita fantasi. Instrumen pengumpulan data berupa lembar observasi, tes produk, serta lembar angket. Data dianalisis melalui proses mereduksi, menyajikan, serta menyimpulkan informasi. Diketahui bahwa penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa pemanfaatan akun Tiktok pada pembelajaran menulis cerita fantasi berkategori “sangat baik”. Hal itu dikuatkan oleh (1) Hasil observasi kegiatan guru saat melaksanakan sintaks pada proses mengajar mendapatkan nilai 95,83 yang berarti “sangat baik”. (2) Hasil tes produk diperoleh nilai siswa paling tinggi 95 dan nilai terendah 75 berdasarkan segi ketepatan struktur, kesesuaian isi teks cerita fantasi, organisasi isi, karakteristik teks, serta penggunaan fitur Tiktok. Dari kelima hasil tersebut, proses pembelajaran menulis cerita fantasi siswa menggunakan akun Tiktok memperoleh rerata hasil 86,33 yang berkategori “sangat baik”. (3) Respon siswa pada penelitian ini mendapatkan angka 3,31 yang bermakna kriteria “Memenuhi”.
This research aims to describe the process, results, and responses of students in using a social media application called Tiktok as a learning medium for the process of writing fantasy stories. This research applies a qualitative approach with a descriptive type. The Indonesian language subject teacher and 30 students of class VII B of SMP Negeri 34 Surabaya were direct respondents in this research. Data collection techniques were collected through observation, product tests, and questionnaires. Teachers who teach Indonesian language subjects observe the teacher's teaching process in applying the Tiktok account to learning activities. Product tests were applied to obtain information on 30 student fantasy story content designs produced from social media called Tiktok, as well as filling out questionnaires by students to explain their responses in using Tiktok accounts as a learning medium for writing fantasy stories. Data collection instruments include observation sheets, product tests, and questionnaire sheets. Data is analyzed through the process of reducing, presenting and concluding information. It is known that this research proves that the use of Tiktok accounts in learning to write fantasy stories is in the "very good" category. This is confirmed by (1) The results of observations of teacher activities when implementing syntax in the teaching process received a score of 95.83 which means "very good". (2) The product test results obtained the highest student score of 95 and the lowest score of 75 based on structural accuracy, suitability of the content of the fantasy story text, content organization, text characteristics, and use of Tiktok features. Of these five results, the process of learning to write fantasy stories for students using a Tiktok account obtained an average result of 86.33 which was categorized as "very good". (3) The student response in this study was 3.31, which means the criteria "Meets".