Danang Saputra. 2021. The Influence of School Culture, Clinical Supervision and Teacher Work Motivation on the Quality of the Learning Process in Tuban District. Thesis Education Management Study Program Postgraduate
Program, State University of Surabaya. Supervisor I: Prof. Dr. Ismet Basuki. M.Pd. Advisor II: Dr. Sri Setyowati. M.Pd.
Keywords: School Culture, Clinical Supervision, Teacher Work
Motivation, Quality of Learning Process.
Schools as the main indicator and directing the process of education output into a society that determines how to have a good state, educational orientation is aimed at the goals of a cultured nation. One of the
barometers of the development of a country is very dependent on the level of education it receives. School Culture, Clinical Supervision, Performance Motivation are factors that influence the implementation of learning. In
addition, there is the teacher factor as a determinant of the success of education through its performance, efforts to improve the learning process must start from the teacher aspect and the learning process.
This study aims to determine (1) the influence of school culture in elementary schools in Tuban district (2) the effect of clinical supervision
in elementary schools in Tuban district (3) teacher work motivation in elementary schools in Tuban district (4) the influence of the quality of the learning process in elementary schools in the district of Tuban
This type of research is a type of quantitative research that takes a sample from one population and uses questionnaires and observations as the main data collection tools.
The independent variables in this study were school culture, clinical supervision and teacher work motivation, while the dependent variable was the quality of the learning process. The subjects in
this study were 75, using purposive sampling technique as a sampling method,
consisting of 300 classroom teachers. The analysis used in this study is
multiple regression.
The results showed 1) there was a significant influence on the school culture variable, it was influenced by environmental factors, climate and habits that occurred in an institution 2) there was a significant influence on the clinical
supervision variable it was influenced by the supervision that occurred in the improvement process a learning through an assessment conducted by the school 3) there is a significant influence on the quality of the learning process. This
is influenced by the completeness factor prepared by educators to produce aquality learning process.