The aim of this study was to examine the impact of the adiwiyata school
program on the development of environmental care attitudes among junior high
school students in schools with adiwiyata status. This research implemented
descriptive approach with the single-case design method. To serve as the
primary data source, this research was conducted at Junior High School 2
Sukodono, an adiwiyata school at the provincial level in East Java, involving
several targets, namely the principal, 1 science teacher, and 33 students of
class 7-E Junior High School 2 Sukodono. This research utilized various
instruments including science learning observation, school environmental
observation, and school document analysis to assess the implementation of the
adiwiyata program in this schools. Additionally, student participatory
questionnaires were also administered to determine the criteria for students'
environmental care attitude. The research findings revealed the presence of the
adiwiyata program in the school documents, which included: 1) school policies
related to the environment, 2) environment-based learning designs, 3)
implementation of activities related to the environment, 4) facilities and
infrastructure supporting environmental management. Furthermore, the adiwiyata
program in teaching and learning encompassed the following aspects: 1)
environmental-based learning objectives and emphasized the importance of
environmental care, 2) student-centered learning approaches and models, 3)
teaching materials, learning media,
student worksheets related to the environment, 4) explanations related to the
environment, 5) students produce tangible work and apply their knowledge to
solve environmental problems. In addition, this research revealed that the
available facilities and infrastructure supported the implementation of
adiwiyata program. This included rooms with natural ventilation, school
gardens, greenhouse, and waste disposal facilities. Furthermore, the result
showed the criteria of students’ environmental care attitude: 48,5%
demonstrated a high level of environmental care; 53,0% exhibited a high level
of energy conservation; 45,5% had satisfactory waste management practices;
35,4% sufficiently reduce their plastic usage, and 45,4% sufficiently reduce
carbon emissions by refraining from burning waste. All of these results were
further supported by the interview data indicating that Junior High School 2
Sukodono implemented the adiwiyata program, in their policies, teaching and
learning process, activities, school facilities or infrastructure, and showed
that teachers and the school principals promoted environmental care to students
actively. In conclusion, this study highlighted that there was the
implementation of the adiwiyata program at Junior High School 2 Sukodono to
increase students' environmental care attitudes, resulting in the majority of
students demonstrating a satisfactory level of environmental concern.
Adiwiyata Program, Science
Learning, Care for The Environment