Media Pembelajaran merupakan salah satu media yang efisien dalam penyampaian materi pembelajaran. Hasil pengamatan yang telah dilakukan pada SMK Krian 1 Sidoarjo, dalam program keahlian Teknik Instalasi Tenaga Listrik yaitu belum adanya job sheet human machine interface (HMI). Kegiatan praktikum menggunakan HMI Kit dirasa belum maksimal karena belum terdapat job sheet. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan job sheet human machine interface (HMI) yang layak digunakan pada mata pelajaran Instalasi Motor Listrik berdasarkan: (1) validitas job sheet human machine interface (HMI), (2) kepraktisan ditinjau dari respon siswa terhadap job sheet human machine interface (HMI), dan (3) efektifitas ditinjau dari hasil belajar siswa setelah menggunakan job sheet human machine interface (HMI).
Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah eksperimen. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa SMK Krian 1 Sidoarjo kelas XI TITL 4 yang berjumlah 35 siswa.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat kelayakan job sheet trainer HMI pada aspek validitas dinyatakan sangat valid dengan hasil rating sebesar 87,78%, aspek kepraktisan yang ditinjau dari respon siswa dinyatakan sangat praktis dengan hasil rating sebesar 88,01%. Dari hasil uji coba menggunakan desain one shot case study dan uji t, yakni pencapaian kompetensi pengetahuan siswa memiliki rata – rata 88,3877 dan pencapaian kompetensi keterampilan memiliki rata-rata 89,5833 dengan signifikansi (α) 0,05, sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat peningkatan yang signifikan pada pencapaian kompetensi siswa setelah menerima pembelajaran dengan menggunakan job sheet human machine interface (HMI) sehingga job sheet dikatakan efektif. Dengan demikian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa job sheet human machine interface (HMI) pada mata pelajaran Instalasi Motor Listrik di SMK Krian 1 Sidoarjo dinyatakan layak digunakan dalam kegiatan pembelajaran.
Kata Kunci: Job Sheet, Human Machine Inteface (HMI), Instalasi Motor Listrik
The media of learning is one of the efficient media for sharing learning material. The observations that have been made at SMK Krian 1 Sidoarjo, in the Electrical Installation Engineering expertise program, are the absence of a job sheet human machine interface (HMI). Practical activities using the HMI Kit are considered not optimal because there aren’t job sheets. This study aims to produce a suitable human machine interface (HMI) job sheet for Electrical Motor Installation subjects based on: (1) job sheet human machine interface (HMI) validity, (2) practicality in terms of student responses to job sheet human machine interface (HMI), and (3) effectiveness in terms of student learning outcomes after using a job sheet human machine interface (HMI).
The research method used is experiment. The research subjects were students of SMK Krian 1 Sidoarjo in class XI TITL 4, amounting to 35 students.
The results showed that the feasibility of HMI job sheet trainer on the validity aspect was stated to be very valid with a rating of 87.78%, practicality aspects that were viewed from student responses were stated to be very practical with a rating of 88.01%. From the results of the trial using the one shot case study design and t test, namely the achievement of students' knowledge competency has an average of 88,3877 and the achievement of skills competency has an average of 89,5833 with a significance (α) of 0.05, so it can be concluded that there is a significant increase in student competency achievement after receiving learning by using job sheet human machine interface (HMI) so that the job sheet is said to be effective. Thus, it can be concluded that the job sheet human machine interface (HMI) on the subjects of Electric Motor Installation in Krian 1 Sidoarjo Vocational School was declared suitable for use in learning activities.
Keywords: Job Sheet, Human Machine Inteface (HMI), Electric Motor Installation