Pada penelitian ini bermaksud untuk menyelidiki seberapa tinggi tingkat pemahaman pelatih sekolah sepakbola di Kabupaten Madiun terhadap pendidikan karakter dalam sepakbola. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan April 2021 yang berlokasi di Kabupaten Madiun. Deskriptif survei merupakan sebuah metode yang digunakan peneliti. Dalam pengumpulan data peneliti menggunakan angket. Pelatih sekolah sepakbola kelompok umur 12 tahun yang telah terdaftar di PSSI Askab Madiun yang berjumlah 10 pelatih akan dijadikan subjek oleh peneliti dalam penelitian yang dilakukan. Peneliti dalam menganalisis data menggunakan deskriptif persentase. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tingkat pemaham pendidikan karakter pada kategori sangat paham sebanyak 1 orang (10%), paham sebanyak 3 orang (30%), cukup paham sebanyak 3 orang (30%), kurang paham sebanyak 3 orang (30%). Tingkat pemahaman nilai-nilai pendidikan karakter pada kategori sangat paham sebanyak 2 orang (20%), paham sebanyak 2 orang (20%), cukup paham sebanyak 3 orang (30%), kurang paham sebanyak 2 orang (20%) dan sangat kurang paham sebanyak 1 orang (10%). Tingkat pemahaman implementasi pendidikan karakter pada kategori sangat paham sebanyak 3 orang (30%), paham sebanyak 2 orang (20%), cukup paham sebanyak 4 orang (40%), kurang paham sebanyak 1 orang (10%). Sehingga, dari hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan tingkat pemahaman pelatih sekolah sepakbola di Kabupaten Madiun terhadap pendidikan karakter, pemahaman nilai-nilai pendidikan karakter dan implementasi pendididkan karakter dalam sepakbola termasuk kategori baik atau paham.
This study intends to investigate how high the level of understanding of football school coaches in Madiun Regency is on character education in football. This research was conducted in April 2021, located in Madiun Regency. Descriptive survey is a method used by researchers. In collecting data the researchers used a questionnaire. The 12 year old soccer school coaches who have registered with PSSI Askab Madiun, totaling 10 coaches, will be used as subjects by the researchers in the research conducted. Researchers in analyzing the data using descriptive percentage. The results showed that the level of understanding of character education in the category of very understanding was 1 person (10%), understood 3 people (30%), quite understood 3 people (30%), less understood 3 people (30%). The level of understanding of the values of character education in the category of very understanding as many as 2 people (20%), understanding as much as 2 people (20%), quite understanding as many as 3 people (30%), less understanding as many as 2 people (20%) and very less understand as much as 1 person (10%). The level of understanding of the implementation of character education in the category of very understanding as many as 3 people (30%), understanding as much as 2 people (20%), quite understanding as much as 4 people (40%), less understanding as much as 1 person (10%). Thus, from the results of this study, it can be concluded that the level of understanding of football school coaches in Madiun Regency on character education, understanding the values of character education and the implementation of character education in football is in the good category or understanding.