Vivan Nur Alfian. 2021. Implementation of
Probing Model, Propose Previous Conception, Observation,
Clarification and Confirmation, And Reinforcement (P2OC2R) to Change
Students' Conceptions in Elementary Schools.
Thesis , Basic Education Study Program, State University
Postgraduate Program Surabaya.
Supervisor: (I) Prof. Dr. Muslimin
Ibrahim, M.Pd., and (II) Dr. Elok Sudibyo, M.Pd.
Keywords : Model, Probing, Propose Previous Conception,
Observation, Clarification and Confirmation, Reinforcement,
This study aims to change the
science conception of students in elementary schools. The materials developed
are plant, animal, heat transfer, and the universe material in grade V
Elementary School.
The research method used is an
experiment to measure the profile of students' conceptions and their changes
after being taught using the P2OC2R model by referring to the syntax of the
model. The stages used in the research are, (1) preparation of learning
designs, (2) implementation of learning, (3) reporting of conception results.
The trial design used a Three Tiers Instrument which was used for the Pre-test
Post-test Design . The data
analysis technique uses descriptive data analysis quantitative. The instruments
used were validation sheets, test instrument sheets, and questionnaires.
The initial conception record
profile in the form of a person-matrix shows the number of IPA misconceptions.
The profile of the conception of student achievement after learning shows a
change in conception, namely a drastic and encouraging increase. The
effectiveness of this learning has met the very effective criteria based on
changes in the conception of students who experienced an increase in scores
with a very high change category, namely in the pre-test or initial conception
profile, it was obtained an average of 4% of students whose concepts were
correct, then increased at post-test. -test, which is 93% of students already
understand the concept, and the results of the retention rate carried out a
week after the final test shows that the average achievement score of students
also remains consistent reaching 93% understanding the concept without any
change in conception. The similarity between the results of the final test and
retest a week after the final test was carried out was 100%. So it can be
concluded that the P2OC2R model makes students have very good memory related to
the science concepts that have been studied.