Readiness of Parents to Release Their Children Back to School Judging from Compliance with Health Protocols (Study on Parents of Middle School Students in Jatirejo Hamlet, Payaman Village, Plemahan District, Kediri Regency)
Kesiapan mental penting dimiliki oleh orang tua saat harus melepaskan anaknya untuk kembali ke sekolah, karena ancaman bahaya covid-19 masih terjadi. Karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kesiapan mental orang tua di Dusun Jatirejo desa Payaman dalam melepas anak kembali ke sekolah ditinjau dari kepatuhan protokol kesehatan. Di samping itu, terdapat tindakan orang tua dalam menyiapkan anaknya kembali ke sekolah ditinjau dari protokol kesehatan setelah masa pandemi. Teori yang digunakan merupakan teori penilaian kognitif (Cognitive Appraisal Theory) dari Lazarus & Folkman. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif eksploratif. Informan penelitian adalah tiga informan yang dipilih secara purposive, yaitu orang tua siswa jenjang SMP di Dusun Jatirejo Desa Payaman. Data diperoleh menggunakan wawancara mendalam. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah teknik analisis data menurut Miles dan Huberman yang diantaranya, reduksi data, penyajian data dan kesimpulan atau verifikasi. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa orang tua di Dusun Jatirejo Desa Payaman memiliki kesiapan melepas anaknya kembali ke sekolah. Terdapat tindakan yang dilakukan untuk menyiapkan selama PTM yaitu, (1) Memenuhi kebutuhan diri pada anak selama Pertemuan Tatap Muka (PTM), (2) Menyiapkan kesiapan perilaku anak kembali ke sekolah dengan kondisi yang berbeda, (3) Memahami Pembaruan Protokol Kesehatan 5M oleh Pemerintah, (4) Strategi orang tua agar anak menerapkan protokol kesehatan 5M. Kesadaran mematuhi protokol kesehatan penting untuk dimiliki dan diterapkan dalam tindakan nyata. Menyiapkan anak secara fisik dan mental anaknya saat kembali ke sekolah, serta mengontrol aktivitas anak merupakan strategi penting orang tua dalam persiapan menuju sekolah tatap muka.Kata Kunci: kesiapan mental, orang tua, protokol kesehatan
Mental readiness is important for parents to have when they have to let their children go back to school, because the threat of the danger of covid-19 is still happening. Therefore, this study aims to determine the mental readiness of parents in Jatirejo Hamlet, Payaman Village in releasing their children back to school in terms of compliance with health protocols. In addition, there are actions by parents in preparing their children to return to school in terms of health protocols after the pandemic. This study uses a qualitative method with an exploratory descriptive approach. The theory used is the theory of cognitive appraisal (Cognitive Appraisal Theory) from Lazarus & Folkman. This study uses a qualitative method with an exploratory descriptive approach. The subjects in this study were selected by purposive sampling technique, so that there were three informants who were parents of junior high school students in Jatirejo Hamlet, Payaman Village. Data were obtained using in-depth interviews. Data analysis techniques used are data analysis techniques according to Miles and Huberman which include data reduction, data presentation and conclusions or verification. The results of this study indicate that parents in Jatirejo Hamlet, Payaman Village, are ready to let their children go back to school. There are actions taken to prepare during PTM including, (1) Fulfilling the needs of children during PTM, (2) Preparing the behavior readiness of children to return to school with different conditions, (3) Understanding the 5M health protocol update by the Government, (4) The strategy of parents for children to implement the 5M health protocol. Awareness of complying with health protocols is important to have and implement in real action. Preparing children physically and mentally when their children return to school, as well as controlling children's activities are important strategies for parents in preparation for face-to-face school.Keywords: mental readiness, parents, health protocol