study discusses the potential dan problem of potential outcomes and problems
caused to class XI students of SMAN 1 Krembung language where 86% said have
difficulties in learning Japanese especialyy verbs. 86% of studensts need some
media to learn Japanese. 100% of students stated that they often use
smartphones. Thru that case the researcher develop a media called daily
activity for learning Japanese verb vocabulary. This study describe the process of developing
daily activity learning media activities, the feasbility of daily activities media,
and students’ responses to learning media on daily activities.
research is a research development using Sugiyono’s research model. The data
source in this study is the book minna no nihon go unit 6 dan sakura book 3
chapter 23-30. The subject in this study were students of class XI in SMAN 1
Krembung leaguage and students of class XI in SMAN 1 Porong. The data used is
the process of developing daily learning media activities, result media
validation, result validatio material, result of pre-test and post-test average
values, and students responses.
proses of developing a media daily activities are 10 thing, namely potential
and problems, data collection, product design, validation design, design
revision, product trials, product revisionis, trial use, product revision and
mass production. In this research, it reached the 9th stage, namely
the revision of the product was nit approved at the 10th stage because
of the time, energy and cost.
validation is carried out by media experts and material experts. The percentage
of result of media validation from media experts at 88.9% is included in the
excellent category. Furthermore, media validation from material experts was
80.8% with an excellent category from validator 1 and 94.6% with an excellent
category from validator 2. The average pre-test score was 69 and the post-test
was 91. Based on calculations the average value of the pre-test and the
post-test, student learning outcomes improved after using the media to learn
daily activities by 87.6% with a very strong category. Then it can be
dismantled as daily learning media and not used as a learning medium for
Japanese verb vocabulaty.
Keyword : Smartphone , this research , learning media
daily activity