SMK Negeri 10 Surabaya is a vocational
school that has not implemented website technology as a learning medium so that
the learning that takes place is still conventional and teacher-centred. This
causes students to be passive and less collaborative during the learning
process. The aim of this research is to design and create a learning website
based on a version control system for collaborative learning and to find out
the differences in student learning outcomes in classes that use the learning
website and classes that do not use the learning website. This research
produces a product in the form of a version control system-based learning
website on software and game development subjects that focuses on one element,
namely structured programming in the Java programming language. This research
uses the ADDIE development method which consists of five stages, namely
Analyze, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation. The trial sample
in this research was 72 students in class X RPL 1 and X RPL 2 at SMKN 10
Surabaya. The data collection techniques used are observation, validation and
Based on the results of validation
tests that have been carried out by validators consisting of media expert
validators, material expert validators, question expert validators and learning
device expert validators (RPP), an average of 91.5% was obtained, and is
included in the very valid criteria as well as the results The black box test
states that the website is valid and running according to the expected results.
Apart from that, the results of posttest and project data analysis carried out
in the control class and experimental class using test data analysis obtained a
calculated t of 9,902 and 10,300 respectively with db 70. Then it was consulted
using the t test distribution table with a significance level of 5% with The
degree of the divisor is 70, so the t table is 1.99444. It was found that the
posttest and project t values were
greater than the t table (9,902>1.99444) (10,300>1.99444). So it can be
concluded that the results of learning Java programming for students who use a
version control system-based learning website are better than students who do
not use the website.
Keywords: Website, Learning, Version Control
System, Collaborative Learning, ADDIE, Programming