Education is the beginning of the formation of
intelligence, morality and national character. With this concept, it is
expected to be able to produce graduates who meet the requirements in the world
of work that increasingly require a professional workforce, with special
expectations of providing life provisions for students in that education. The
effort to realize the dual system education is one way that can be done is
through industrial work practices. SMK Negeri 1 Sidoarjo has a division of
competencies to support the success of internship, namely, building image skill
competencies and is used as preparation for internship.
This research uses a quantitative approach. The design
of this study is a regression that aims to find the strength or magnitude of the
influence between variables, in the form of the influence of the value of
practice of productive subjects as an independent variable on the value of
industrial work practices as the dependent variable in SMK Negeri 1 Sidoarjo.
The time and place of this study was carried out on the eleventh grade students
of the building department of building drawing expertise in the 2017/2018
school year with a sample of 40 students.
The results of the regression test analysis of
productive learning outcomes of eye learning images of building construction on
the apprenticeship value are 0.850 which can be seen from the multiple
regression equation as follows: Y = 75,798 + 3,424X1 + 0,850X2, where Y is the
variable apprenticeship and X2 as the outcome variable productive learning
subjects pictures of building construction. The effect of productive learning
eye learning outcomes drawing with software on the value of apprenticeship is
3,424 which can be seen from the multiple regression equation as follows: Y =
75,798 + 3,424X1 + 0,850X2, where Y is the variable value of apprenticeship and
X1 as variable learning outcomes productive lessons drawing with software.
Variables of learning outcomes productive subjects drawing with software and
learning outcomes of productive subjects images of building construction can
affect the apprenticeship value of 69.5%.
Keywords : Learning
Outcomes of Productive Subjects, Regression, Value of Industrial Work