The development of digital media is needed
in the field of education to facilitate the learning process. Students are
bored using powerpoint learning media and need help with the Human Respiratory
System material because it is abstract. As a result, students' motivation and
cognitive learning outcomes are low. One way to increase students' motivation
and cognitive learning outcomes is by developing audio visual learning media.
Audio visual media can attract students' interest in learning and make it easier
for students to understand the material. This study aimed to produce
audio-visual learning media based on Canva material on the Human Respiratory
System to increase students' motivation and cognitive learning outcomes that
are valid, practical, and effective. This study used the ASSURE model (analyze
learner, state objective, select media and materials, utilize media and
materials, require learner participant, and evaluated and revise). The trial
was limited to 15 students at SMAN 14 Surabaya. Validity was obtained based on
the validation results of material experts, media experts, and Biology teacher.
Practicality was obtained based on the results of student responses.
Effectiveness was obtained based on motivation, including observation, student
responses results, and student cognitive learning outcomes, including pretest
and posttest. The average validity obtained was 3.80 (very valid). Practicality
was obtained by an average of 92% (very practical) and effectiveness was
obtained by an average observation value of 97 (high), the N-gain of
motivational responses was 0.90 (high), and the N-gain of cognitive learning
outcomes was 0.80 (high) (very effective). Overall, this study's results were
valid, practical, and effective in increasing students' motivation and
cognitive learning outcomes. Audio visual media can improve motivation and
cognitive learning outcomes of students because it involves the senses of sight
and hearing simultaneously.
Keywords: Learning media, audio visual, Human
Respiration System, motivation, cognitive learning outcomes.