Media Flash Card, umumnya digunakan untuk meningkatkan kosakata atau perbendaharaan kata. Namun pada penelitian ini, media tersebut akan digunakan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan listening. Sejalan dengan perihal tersebut, maka media Flash Card perlu dimodifikasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekata Research and Development (R&D) dengan model ADDIE yang memiliki 5 langkah penelitian, yakni analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. Pengujian produk dilakukan oleh siswa kelas VI UPT SD Negeri 217 Gresik dengan jumlah 28 siswa. Uji validasi dilakukan oleh dua ahli materi dan satu ahli media. Uji kevalidan materi mendapatkan angka 92% dan untuk uji kevalidan media mendapatkan angka 85%. Berdasarkan hasil uji kevalidan yang didapat, maka materi dan media termasuk dalam kriteria “sangat baik”, sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa pengembangan media Flash Card untuk meningkatkan kemampuan listening siswa kelas VI UPT SD Negeri 217 Gresik telah valid dan dapat digunakan dalam proses kegiatan pembelajaran. Pada tahap kepraktisan penggunaan media Flash Card terhadap siswa memperoleh hasil angket rata-rata 87,7%. Kemudian tingktat keefektifan media didapat hasil uji nilai probabilitas signifikansi (p) sebesar 0,001 maka H1 tidak ditolak . Sehingga diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa media Flash Card memberikan pengaruh positif dan signifikan.Kata Kunci : Pengembangan, Flash Card, Nouns and Verbs
Flash Card media, by and large used to expand jargon. Be that as it may, in this review, the media will be utilized to further develop listening abilities. In accordance with this, the Flash Card media should be adjusted. This study utilizes an Innovative work (Research and development) approach with the ADDIE model which has 5 examination steps, specifically investigation, plan, improvement, execution, and assessment. Item testing was completed by understudies of class VI UPT SD Negeri 217 Gresik with a sum of 28 understudies. The approval test was completed by two material specialists and one media master. The material legitimacy test got a score of 92% and for the media legitimacy test it got a score of 85%. In view of the aftereffects of the legitimacy test got, the material and media are remembered for the "excellent" measures, so it tends to be inferred that the advancement of Glimmer Card media to further develop the listening abilities of grade VI understudies of UPT SD Negeri 217 Gresik has been legitimate and can be utilized during the time spent learning exercises. At the commonsense phase of utilizing Streak Card media, understudies acquired a normal poll aftereffect of 87.7%. Then the degree of adequacy of the media got by the test aftereffects of an importance significant probability (p) of 0.001 then H1 isn't dismissed. So it tends to be inferred that the FLash Card media has a positive and critical impact.
Keywords : Development, Flash Card, Nouns and Verbs