Basically every human being definitely
needs something called a service. With the development of the era in the current
era of globalization, which is increasingly being used by many agencies to
improve the quality of its services, because good service is able to provide a
good image for the agency. In the services provided by the police, the
community still lacks touch, so the Tanjung Perak Harbor Police made 6 superior
programs, one of which was the Monday Militant Program. This service is carried
out every Monday by giving outreach to the community and members / employees
that aims to get closer and establish friendships, collision activities and
Leadership Hours activities. This study aims to describe, understand and
explain the quality of service on Monday Militants at the Tanjung Perak Harbor
Police Station. This research uses descriptive quantitative research. The focus
of this study using the theory of Service Quality according to Parasurahman
includes tangible (physical form), reliability (reliability), responsiviness
(responsiveness), assurance (assurance) and empathy (empathy). Data collection
techniques in this study used questionnaires and observations while the data
analysis techniques used quantitative data analysis and descriptive analysis.
population in this study was 862 respondents with a sample of 90 respondents.
This research uses incidental sampling technique, the sample obtained is 45
respondents from police personnel / employees and the rest of the community in
Asemrowo sub-district, Asemrowo sub-district, amounting to 45 respondents. From
the five indicators used as the research theory, the results have been described
as being able to overcome all community complaints in the Asemrowo Kelurahan
and show that the quality of the Monday Militant service can be said to be
successful, despite the lack of implementation. The results of this study
indicate that the average percentage of all indicators is 83.21% or in the very
good value category. Tangible indicators obtain a percentage of 83.48%. The
reliability indicator obtained a percentage of 83.47%. The indicator of
responsiviness gets a percentage of 84%. The assurance indicator obtained a
percentage of 82.72% and the last indicator on the quality of service is
empathy obtained a percentage of 82.27%.
that researchers can give about this research are firstly the addition of
facilities that are lacking in the implementation of Militant Mondays, secondly
it is improved again related to fast movements in handling problems that occur,
thirdly there is an need for evaluation in the implementation of Monday
Militant services, fourthly the need for discussion activities, training skills
for more alert and increase knowledge, and fifth, which is used as a motivation
for the appreciation that has been given by the community to the organizers of
the service of Monday Militants.
Keywords: Public Services, Service Quality,