Sate lilit merupakan salah satu makanan khas masyarakat Bali. Sate lilit ayam jamur tiram memiliki kandungan gizi tinggi karena penambahan puree daun kelor yang kaya antioksidan, nutrifikasi (menambah nilai gizi makanan), dan untuk memanfaatkan bahan lokal Indonesia yang berfungsi untuk mencagah penyakit kanker. Tujuan penulisan artikel ini bertujuan mengetahui: 1). Formulasi terbaik Sate Lilit Ayam Jamur Tiram; 2).Tingkat kesukaan panelis terhadap rasa, warna, aroma dan tekstur; 3). Kandungan gizi sate lilit ayam jamur tiram per 100 gr; dan 4). Harga jual sate lilit ayam per 100 gr. Rekayasa ini menggunakan metode uji coba yang dilakukan sebanyak 4 kali. Teknik pengambilan data menggunakan uji organolaptik dengan panelis sebanyak 30 orang. Uji Kandungan gizi dilakukan dengan perhitungan Nutrisurvey dan DKBM. Perhitungan harga jual dilakukan secara konvensional. Hasil rekayasa menunjukkan bahwa: 1)Formulasi sate lilit terbaik adalah ayam 250 gr, jamur tiram 90 gr, daun kelor 25 gr, kelapa sangrai 50 gr, bawang merah 100 gr, bawang putih 30 gr, cabe merah 30 gr, cabe rawit 5gr, kunyit 15 gr, jahe 5 gr, daun jeruk 1 gr, sereh 4 gr, terasi 3 gr, kemiri 15 gr, merica 2 gr, garam 5 gr, tomat 20 gr 2)Tingkat kesukaan panelis terhadap rasa sebanyak 60%, suka terhadap warna sebanyak 97%, suka terhadap aroma sebanyak 73%, suka terhadap testur sebanyak 67%. 3)Kandungan gizi sate lilit per 100 gram terdiri dari: lemak 36,96 gram, karbohidrat 56,55 gram, protein 70,11 gram, dan energi 962,93 kkal. 4)Harga jual sate lilit ditentukan Rp. 10.312/100 gr (4 tusuk).
Sate lilit is one of the typical Balinese foods. Oyster mushroom chicken satay has a high nutritional content due to the addition of moringa leaf puree which is rich in antioxidants, for nutrition (adding to the nutritional value of food), and to utilize local Indonesian ingredients that function to prevent cancer. The purpose of writing this article aims to find out: 1). The best formulation of Sate Lilit Ayam Jamur Tiram; 2). The level of preference for the panelists to taste, color, aroma and texture; 3). Nutritional content of oyster mushroom chicken satay per 100 gr; and 4). The selling price of chicken satay per 100 gr. This engineering uses a trial method which is carried out 4 times. The data collection technique used the organolaptic test with 30 panelists. The nutritional content test was carried out by calculating Nutrisurvey and DKBM. The selling price calculation is done conventionally. The engineering results show that: 1) the best formulation of the satay lilit is 250 gr chicken, 90 gr oyster mushroom, 25 gr moringa leaves, 50 gr roasted coconut, 100 gr red onion, 30 gr garlic, 30 gr red chili, 5 gr cayenne pepper, turmeric 15 grams, 5 grams of ginger, 1 gram of lime leaves, 4 grams of lemongrass, 3 grams of shrimp paste, 15 grams of hazelnut, 2 grams of pepper, 5 grams of salt, 20 grams of tomatoes 2) The level of preference for the panelists to taste is 60%, likes the color as much as 97%, like the aroma as much as 73%, like the testur as much as 67%. 3) The nutritional content of the satay per 100 grams consists of 36.96 grams of fat, 56.55 grams of carbohydrates, 70.11 grams of protein, and 962.93 kcal of energy. 4) The selling price of the satay wrap is Rp. 10.312 / 100 gr (4 sticks).