Pengaruh Job Market Considerations Penghargaan Finansial Dan Persepsi Profesi Akuntan Publik Terhadap Minat Berkarir Akuntan Publik Pada Mahasiswa Fakultas Ekonomika Dan Bisnis Unesa
The Influence of Job Market Considerations Financial Awards and Perceptions of the Public Accounting Profession on Interest in a Public Accounting Career among Students at the Faculty of Economics and Business Unesa
Sebagian besar mahasiswa mempunyai minat berkarir menjadi akuntan publik setelah lulus nanti namun karir tersebut bukanlah prioritas utama Mahasiswa merasa bahwasanya berkarir di bidang akuntan publik termasuk hal yang sangat sulit sehingga jumlah akuntan publik di Indonesia masih sangat minim tidak sebanding dengan kebutuhan akuntan bagi dunia usaha Penelitian ini dilaksanakan supaya menguji serta melaksanakan analisis pengaruh job market considerations penghargaan finansial persepsi profesi akuntan publik terhadap minat berkarir akuntan publik
Penelitian dilaksanakan pada mahasiswa akuntansi 2020 di Universitas Negeri Surabaya dengan jumlah populasi 113 mahasiswa akuntansi dan sampel yang dipergunakan mempergunakan rumus solvin yaitu 88 mahasiswa akuntansi dengan metode penelitian kuantitaif
Berdasarkan hasil uji analisis memperlihatkan bahwasanya1 job market considerations berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap minat berkarir akuntan publik 2 penghargaan finansial berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap minat berkarir akuntan publik 3 persepsi profesi akuntan publik berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap minat berkarir akuntan publik 4 job market considerations penghargaan finansial dan persepsi profesi akuntan publik berpengaruh secara simultan terhadap minat berkarir akuntan publik
Kata Kunci Job market considerations penghargaan finansial persepsi profesi akuntan publik minat berkarir labor market
Most students have an interest in a career as a public accountant after graduating, but this career is not their main priority. Students feel that a career in the field of public accounting is very difficult, so the number of public accountants in Indonesia is still very minimal, not comparable to the need for accountants in the business world. This research carried out in order to test and carry out an analysis of the influence of job market considerations, financial rewards, perceptions of the public accounting profession on interest in a public accounting career
The research was carried out on 2020 accounting students at Surabaya State University with a population of 113 accounting students and the sample used used the Solvin formula, namely 88 accounting students with quantitative research methods.
Based on the results of the analysis test, it shows that 1 job market considerations have a significant influence on interest in a career as a public accountant 2 financial awards have a significant influence on interest in a career as a public accountant 3 perceptions of the public accounting profession have a significant influence on interest in a career as a public accountant 4 job market considerations financial rewards and perceptions of the profession Public accounting simultaneously influences interest in a public accounting career
Keywords Job market considerations financial awards perceptions of the public accounting profession interest in a labor market career