Munasita.2016. Pengembangan Model Pembelajaran SITA untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Psikomotor Taruna pada Mata Kuliah Raid Amfibi Di Akademi Angkatan Laut (AAL) Disertasi, Program Studi Teknologi Pendidikan, Program Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Surabaya. Pembimbing: (I) Prof. Dr. Luthfiyah Nurlaela, M.Pd, dan (2) Dr. Andi Mariono, M.Pd.
Kata-kata Kunci: Model pembelajaran SITA dan kemampuan psikomotor
Tujuan penelitian ini mengkaji validitas dan keefektifan model pembelajaran SITA untuk meningkatkan kemampuan psikomotor Taruna pada kuliah Raid Amfibi di Akademi Angkatan Laut.
Uji dilakukan terhadap validitas dan reliabilitas. Uji coba untuk melihat sejauh mana produk yang dibuat dapat mencapai tujuan dan sasaran intruksional. Kegiatan uji coba pada tahap pembelajaran model pembelajaran SITA ini meliputi (1) uji coba ahli terdiri atas ahli model, materi, media animasi, dan pembelajaran (Persiapan Mengajar) (2) uji Taruna yaitu uji coba lapangan.
Teknik analisis data yang akan dilakukan haruslah mengacu kepada rumusan masalah yang telah ditetapkan sebelumnya. Melihat dari rumusan masalah yang ada, maka terdapat dua uji yang akan dilakukan, yakni (1) kevalidan model pembelajaran SITA
(2) keefektifan pengembangan model pembelajaran SITA
Validitas model pembelajarn SITA dapat dilihat dari hasil validasi (1) Ahli Model Pembelajaran data presentase 91,66%, (2) Ahli Media Pembelajaran data dengan presentase 100%. (3) ahli media pembelajaran data dengan presentase 100%. (4) ahli pembelajaran terhadap Persiapan Mengajar (PM) data dengan presentase 100%. (5) Hasil penilaian ahli pembelajaran didapatkan data dengan presentase 92,5%. (6) ahli pembelajaran isi materi model pembelajaran didapatkan data dengan presentase 100% (7) ahli pembelajaran isi materi Persiapan Mengajar (PM) didapatkan data dengan presentase 100% (8) ahli pembelajaran isi materi media didapatkan data dengan presentase 100%. Jadi, dapat disimpulkan bahwa model dan perangkat pendukung serta angket respon taruna sangat layak atau valid. Dari hasil perhitungan seluruh item soal adalah valid, karena nilai r-hitung yang dihasilkan lebih dari nilai r-tabelnya (0,3687).Hasil uji reliabilitas diketahui bahwa Alpha Cronbach yang dihasilkan lebih dari 0,50 hal ini berarti materi kemampuan psikomotor memiliki reliabilitas yang tinggi.
Keefektifan model pembelajaran SITA terlihat dari hasil dari penghitungan uji N-Gain menunjukkan peningkatan hasil belajar hasil posttest setelah diberikan perlakuan dengan model pembelajaran SITA menjadi 86 dengan kategori baik dan hasil perhitungan N-Gain (g) ≥ 0,7 masuk dalam kategori tinggi, maka model pembelajaran SITA dinyatakan efektif dalam meningkat kemampuan psikomotor Taruna dalam pembelajaran Raid Amfibi.
Munasita.2016. Development of SITA Learning Model to Improve Midshipman Psychomotor Ability at Amphibious Raid Courses at AAL Naval Academy) Dissertation, Educational Technology Study Program, Postgraduate Program, Surabaya State University. Advisor: (I) Prof. Dr. Luthfiyah Nurlaela, M.Pd, and (2) Dr. Andi Mariono, M.Pd.
Key Words: SITA Learning Model and Ability
The purpose of this study is to examine the validity and the effectiveness of SITA learning model which is used for improving the psychomotor abilities of Indonesian navy cadets in Amphibious Raid lecture at the Indonesian Naval Academy.
The test has been carried out on validity and reliability in order to see whether the products made in this study can achieve instructional goals and objectives. The test activities at the learning stage of this SITA learning model include (1) expert assessments which consist of model experts, material, animation media, and learning (Teaching Preparation) (2) Midshipman assessment which is on the job assessment.
The data analysis technique which will be carried out shall refer to the identification of the problems that have been previously identified. Based on the identification of the problems, there are two tests which will be carried out, namely the validity of SITA Learning Model and the effectiveness of the development of SITA Learning Model.
After analyzing the data, the results of SITA learning model validity are obtained in form of data percentage as follows. (1) Learning Model Expert 91.66%, (2) Learning Media Expert 100%. (3) Learning media expert 100%. (4) Learning experts on Teaching Preparation (PM) 100%. (5) The results of assessment of learning experts 92.5%. (6) Learning experts on material contents 100% (7) Learning experts on material for Teaching Preparation (PM) 100% (8) Learning expert on the content of media material 100 %. Therefore, it can be concluded that the models, study supporting materials, and cadets' questionnaire response are valid. In addition, the calculation results of all question items are valid as well due to the value of r-generated is more than the r-table value (0.3687). Besides, the reliability test result shows that Cronbach's Alpha produced more than 0.50 which means that the psychomotor ability in Amphibious Raid lectures has high reliability.
The effectiveness of the SITA learning model can be seen from the results of the N-Gain test. The test showed an increase in the learning outcomes of the post test results to 86, which categorized as good and the results of N-Gain (g) 7 0.7, which is categorized as high after SITA learning model has been applied in the lecture. Thus, the SITA learning model is academically claimed to be effective in increasing the psychomotor abilities of cadets in Amphibious Raid learning.