Keywords: IBMR Model, multirepresentation skills, Physics Problem Solving Skills
Dyah Ayu Setyarini, 2021, Development of Learning Materials based on the Investigation Based Multiple Representation
(IBMR) model to facilitate the augmentation of students' physics problem solving skills at
Senior High School . Thesis .
Science Education Study Program, G raduate Program, State University of Surabaya. Advisors:
(1) Dr. Zain u l Arifin Imam Supardi,
M.Si and (2) Dr. Elok Sudibyo, M.Pd.
This study aims to develop
the learning materials based on the IBMR model , of its
valid, practical, and effective. The Plomp model was used to
develop them with the following phases : 1) the initial investigation, 2) the design, 3) the realization/ construction, 4) the test,
the evaluation, and the revision and 5) the implementation. In this research,
it used three validator and pengamats from State University of Surabaya for
validating the learning material and observing the learning activities. The wide test implementation and assesment phases were carried out at SMAN 1 Dagangan Kab.Madiun with three classes as research subjects . One group pretest-posttest design was used to collect
research data . The
research instruments that used in this research were the sheets of validation,
observation, problem solving skills tests, and filling out questionnaires for
student responses to learning . The
data obtained were analyzed descriptively, using quantitative and qualitative
technic. The research results
show : (1) the validity of the developed learning materials showing in very valid category, (2) the implementation of learning
was assessed by three pengamats in three meetings , in three classes with the
observation sheet showing the very good category , (3) the improving students' physics problem solving skill
in the three test classes majority showed high
category, (4) the multiplerepresentation ability of three classes
shows a high category that affects the ability to solve physics problems almost and (5) all students give a
positive response to the components of learning materials and process based on
IBMR learning model. Based on
the results, it can be concluded the learning materials based on IBMR learning model that
developed is feasible to improve
students' physics problem solving skills at
Senior High School