ABSTRACT Roesmawati, L. 2022. Development of Learning Handouts Based on Reog's Local Cultural Wisdom in Social Studies Learning for Strengthening Character Education of Grade IV Elementary School Students. Postgraduate Basic Education Program, State University of Surabaya. Advisors: (1) Dr Agus Suprijono, M.Sc. and (2) Prof.Dr. Muhammad Turhan Yani, MA. Keywords: handout, reog local cultural wisdom, character This study aims to produce teaching materials for learning handouts based on local cultural wisdom reog for strengthening character education for fourth grade students. This research design applies the 4-D development model (fourDModels) developed by Thiagaraja. field trial with one-group pretest-posttest design Data collection techniques through observation, questionnaires, and tests. Observations were made to observe the implementation of the learning design by using teaching materials for learning handouts and student activities during learning. Questionnaires are used to determine student responses to learning handout teaching materials, while tests are used to measure student learning outcomes and character. The data analysis technique is to determine the feasibility, practicality and effectiveness of the learning handout teaching materials in a qualitative descriptive manner with the percentage technique through calculating the average learning completeness As for the results of the feasibility aspect of the learning handout teaching material product, the material is 87.5% and the character value is 95% which produces a combined average of the two types of aspects with a very feasible and valid category. So it can be concluded that the product is feasible to use. Practical aspects include the implementation of learning on the clarity of the material, the attractiveness of the cover display design and the contents of the material, and the ease of carrying out learning activities on the learning handout material in small groups and large groups which reached 85% and 97.38%, respectively. So it can be concluded that the practicality of the learning handout material is very good and can be maintained. The results of the effectiveness aspect showed an increase in classical pretest and posttest learning outcomes in the small group from 56% to 100% and in the large group from 43% to 100%. This shows that there is a significant difference in student learning outcomes after participating in learning by using learning handouts based on local cultural wisdom reog.